Chapter Six

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Aniya decided that Daija would be training with Jamie once she was fully recovered from her burn out, and once things calmed down with college. After a few talks with her and the other heroes, she was finally given her car keys and allowed to leave. Being in her car again felt incredible. Luckily, everything was in the same spot and nothing looked touched.

It was around five in the morning by the time she got back to her apartment. The moment she opened the door, she heard Violet's gasp. "Oh, my god!" She then sighed in relief, speaking into the phone that she held by her ear, "Sorry, she just walked through the door. Everything's fine, thank you."

Daija tossed her bag on the floor and kicked off her shoes. "Police?"

"What do you think?" She asked as she crossed her arms.

"Is that the first time you called them?"



Her roommate / best friend / ex-girlfriend looked like she was about to explode in frustration and annoyance. Violet was Mexican-American, with olive skin, dark hair that fell in loose waves and light brown eyes. She looked exhausted this morning, as if she'd been up all night. Typically, she spent Friday nights at work.

"Good? Good? You've been gone for eight days! Where the hell were you?!"

Daija sighed, walking into their bathroom and splashing some water on her face. "It's a very long story." She opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle of Tylenol. She had a theory that she would have been feeling much better by now if the heroes had given her some damn medicine.

"You look sick. Have you been eating?"

She looked towards the doorway of the bathroom, seeing Vi fidgeting with her hands as she tried to analyze her. She stepped closer, taking her cheeks into her delicate hands and peering closer to her face. Her expression melted from anger and into concern. "My god, you look awful... Daija, what happened? What's going on? Did someone hurt you?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Vi."

"Don't want to or can't?"

Silence fell between the two. She could tell that Vi had way more questions but didn't want to push it. Leaving the bathroom, she walked to her bedroom and put her phone on the charger. She was nervous to see how many calls and messages she missed.

"Your aunt has been calling," Vi said from behind her.

"I know. My phone's been dead for a while now." She replied as she laid down on her bed. The soft mattress, sheets and pillows felt like heaven compared to what she had to sleep on for the last week.

"You missed an appointment."

"...I know," She sighed, "I'm going first thing Wednesday morning."

It was quiet again. Then, "I was able to talk to your classmates and get your assignments for you. They're either emailed to you or they're sitting on your desk. I also told your job that you had a family emergency, so make sure to stick to the story when you do decide to call them. I'm going to the store to get groceries."

Daija turned her head towards the doorway to look at her. "Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver."

"No problem," She smiled gently, "get some rest. You look like you need it," before leaving and shutting the bedroom door behind her.

It was moments like this where she absolutely hated the fact that they weren't together anymore. All she wanted right now was to kiss her senseless and cry into her arms while she soothingly told her that everything was going to be okay.

The thought alone had Daija's eyes pooling with tears.

The break-up was mutual, but it was very difficult to transition back to being "only best friends" after dating for more than a year. Late night talks in her room would end up with them falling asleep while cuddling, and movie nights on the living room couch would end up with Vi's hand in her pants, rubbing gentle circles while she whispered wicked thoughts in her ear.

It was a weird and difficult few months of transitioning, but they got to this stage. Still, there were moments where Daija missed her unbearably.

To distract herself, she rolled over in bed and grabbed her phone, turning it on when it had enough battery. Immediately, she checked her messages. Vi and her aunt had left most of them. She clicked her aunt's contact and started scrolling.

Aunt Celia: (Thursday) Hey, how's work and school going? If you weren't busy, did you want to come by this weekend? I'm making spaghetti.

(Saturday) I heard finals are coming up. Need some help?

(Tuesday) Okay, now I'm worried. You're not answering and Vi just told me that you didn't go home after class on Thursday. Where are you? Is everything okay?

(Thursday) Daija, sweetheart, it's been about a week and I'm terrified. If you're getting these, please just give me something to let me know that you're safe. If things are getting bad again and you need time to yourself, I promise I understand. But please, something. Anything. I'll even take an emoji. If you're not home by Saturday or if Vi and I haven't heard from you, we're calling the police.

Me: I'm okay. I'm so, SO sorry for not responding. Things have been wild lately. If it's not too much, could I have spaghetti later on this week? I could use some. She typed her reply slowly before pressing send.

After responding to a few more people, she pulled her blanket over her body and closed her eyes. Luckily for her, sleep found her quickly.


The sun was high in the sky by the time she woke up later. The clock on her phone read a little after three in the afternoon. She dragged herself out of bed and went into her bathroom to take a long shower.

She thought about the heroes, and everything they now expect from her. She thought about her future training and how she was going to juggle it on top of schoolwork.

Then she thought about Simon, and how he was also told that he was the Chosen One. If he wasn't lying, Aniya has a ton of explaining to do. The mere thought of her had her clenching her jaw.

Like she told herself before: Cooperate now, tear them apart later.

As promised, she would train. She would learn how to use her powers more effectively, and she'll destroy the heroes and everything they stand for. No one is getting in the way of that. Not even Violet. Not even her aunt.

Especially not a strong, powerful and incredibly attractive villain whose voice she can't seem to get out of her head.

When she got out of the shower, she dried off and went back into her bedroom, pulling out her mini notebook from her bedside drawer. She jotted down a quick to-do list. First, she needed to train. That's essential.

Second, she needed to find out more about Simon, including all of his powers so she knows what she's up against. There was no way in hell she's losing their game.

Lastly, take out the heroes. She needed to figure out how to do all of this without getting caught by anyone.

She put her notebook back and walked over to her desk. Like Vi promised, some of her assignments were there. College was about to get interesting.

Everything was about to get interesting. 

A/N - Hey loves, if you're reading this, I truly appreciate you. Fun fact: most of the characters in this story are actual characters from the real superhero/ supervillain book I plan to write in the future. Names and all. :-)

Just throwing that out there lol. Love you. -Rae

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