Chapter Eight

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Hey, my loves! Two things. 

One: I finally made a cover for this! It's inspired by Daija's notebook, which will be seen more later throughout the story. 

Two: There is a bunch of tension and innuendos in this chapter, as requested by a few of you. I hope you guys like it. There was a bunch of things I took out lol. Anyway, love you guys. <3 -Rae

Simon crossed his arms, his smile quickly turning into a grin. "Well, hello, Daija."

Daija hated this. She hated the way her heart pounded, the way her mind would go blank and the way her mouth dried.

Hated the fact that she would do almost anything to hear him say her name like that again.

"For your information," She said, "It's not that late. Now, what are you doing here?"

"Just looking around."

"Did you find what you're looking for?"

"As of right now?" He chuckled, not breaking eye contact with her, "Yes."

She crossed her arms and gave him a small smile. "How can I help you this evening?"

"Just wondering if you were still serious about what we talked about a couple weeks ago, but it seems that you all have grown quite close." His expression flickered when she burst into laughter, "What's funny?"

"Let me get this straight," She said in between laughing fits, "I'm playing my part so well that I even got you convinced? Wow, I'm shocked."

Simon raised a brow, but then he laughed quietly once he caught on. "Oh wow," he then uncrossed his arms, shoving his hands into his pockets, "Smiling, laughing, training, cooperating, gaining their trust and giving them a false sense of security," he snickered, shaking his head slightly, "Oh, Daija, that's not very heroic of you."

"Oops. Well, you shouldn't be watching me. Are you that afraid of losing our bet?"

"Going through this again, are we?"

Deep down, she wanted to continue this banter, wanted to push his buttons and see how far she could get. But then she wondered how on Earth she was going to approach what's been on her mind since training this afternoon. Tiptoe around it, or be completely direct?

He leaned his head back against the brick wall, watching her closely. "Whatever you're going to ask, just ask it."

"Be specific. That could be anything."

"You tell me. You look like you want to ask me fifteen questions." He smirked at her, something wicked in his hazel eyes, "Unless, of course, the first thirteen are inappropriate for this kind of conversation."

Daija couldn't hide her grin. "Oh? You've been paying attention?"

"To every damn detail," He said, and she caught the swift movement of his eyes wandering for a brief second. "So, tell me. What stories about me have they filled your pretty head with that made you so curious?"

I swear, this man is going to be the death of me. She thought, clearing her throat and regaining focus before her mind would drift to where it shouldn't go.

She'll approach this gently.

"Justin and Jamie told me about Ian."

"Yeah?" His smile didn't falter as he prompted her to continue.

"They said after you two fought, you killed him. Dismantled him, even." She recalled their faces as they told the story. The both of them looked like they were going to be sick.

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