Chapter Twenty

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Hey babes, currently writing out how the next few chapters will go, so here's this little chapter that's more entertainment than plot. Love you -Rae

It was cruel. Cruel and extremely unnecessary.

Daija left the cabin, bag over her shoulder, slightly woozy and pissed.

After setting the hero's hangout spot on fire with some matches she found, she practically stomped back to the main path, through the wooded area, and back to the parking lot where her car was. Luckily, since it was so late at night, no one saw her. However, she had to get going quick before the fire got big enough to notice.

Once she was safely in her car, she put her bag in the passenger seat, took off the boots and placed them into her bag before switching back to her tennis shoes, and checked her reflection in the mirror on her sun visor. She gasped loudly, her jaw dropping open at what she saw.

There were more hickies on her neck. Not only did the bastard edge her, he left all sorts of marks so she would think about it each time she looked in the mirror. It made it worse knowing that she was almost out of makeup.

She groaned as she shut her sun visor and started her car. She just wanted to go home. Go home, get this suit off of her, have a nice shower and take care of her problem.

Her heart was still racing, and she had to squeeze her thighs together to ignore how she was robbed just so she could focus on the road. No more playing. Next time she saw Simon, he was going to get punched in the damn throat.


It was almost one in the morning by the time she got home. She opened and closed the door as quietly as she could, but it was no use, since Violet was awake, sprawled on the couch and on her laptop.

"Hey," Vi said without looking up, "I was wondering where you were! I have a quick question because I'm in the middle of an argument and I need your opinion. So, you know how rhinos--" When she looked up at her, her jaw fell open in shock. "What. The. Fuck."

Daija's hair was a mess, her jacket didn't have a hood that she could cover her neck with, and with the bag over her shoulder, it just all looked bad. She smiled nervously. "Um... what about rhinos? I don't know much about them but I think I could help somehow."

Vi stared at her for a few moments, then sighed, shaking her head as she looked back at her laptop. "This is the second time now, Daija."

"I know, right? It's not everyday you see my hair so messy. You know I usually keep it neat." She grinned, taking off her shoes and going into the kitchen to get some water.

"... I was talking about the hickies and you know it."


She crossed her arms. "Am I going to meet this person eventually? I mean, it's the same one from OpalSpace, right?"

She hesitated a bit before nodding and taking a sip of her water. "Yes. And you'll meet them eventually." She didn't even know if she was being honest or not.

Vi looked back up and grinned. "Good."

"It's late, why are you up?" She asked, leaning against the counter and drinking more of her water. "More importantly, why are you arguing with someone about rhinos at one in the morning?" This wasn't the first time this happened. Violet was always really passionate about certain topics that often left Daija's head reeling.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm up late because I'm arguing, and I'll explain it to you once you've had a bit of rest. It's a lot to wrap your head around."

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