Chapter Thirty-One

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I'm not cruel enough to leave you all on a messed up cliffhanger for more than half a day. That would make me a hypocrite lmaoo. Mwah <3 -Rae

It all happened too quickly.

When she saw the gun, she managed to feel shock, terror, desperation and anger all within a split second. One moment, the attacker was about to press the gun to Jamie's head, and her friend's eyes squeezed shut as he braced himself for it.

The next moment, her power flung out, manipulated his arm so it was pressed to his own head, and the trigger was pulled. There was a gunshot, there was blood, then there was silence. His lifeless body fell to the ground with a loud thud, right in front of her.

His eyes were still open, and they seemed to be staring at her, an awful confirmation of what she did.

"Oh, god..." Daija whispered as she gulped, and she quickly stood up, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. Her blood ran cold, her body was slick with sweat, and she suddenly felt the urge to throw up.

"Daija?" Jamie asked quietly, and she looked over at him, feeling a bit of relief that his eyes were still closed.

She tiptoed around the body, around the blood, and took his hand to lead him away, her breathing both heavy and shaky, "Walk slowly and keep your eyes closed until I say so."

"...Is he dead?" he opened his eyes to look at her and only her, fear crossing his face, "Is he?"

She nodded, a lump forming in her throat, "Just keep walking and don't turn around. Please. You don't deserve to see that."

"Shit," he breathed out as he looked up, and she also looked up to see what he was looking at. A camera.

Then, she looked back at him, unable to find words, "Jamie, I-"

"It's gonna be okay. Let's go," he said as he gripped her hand, and they quickly left the alleyway.

She made the mistake of turning around one more time, seeing the attacker dead, eyes open and blood pooling around his head. Her head spun, and she faced forward again.

When they got back to the car, they got in, and Daija had started to hyperventilate from the stress of the situation. All she saw was the body, all she heard was the gunshot on repeat.

"Jamie, I'm so sorry, I-" she gasped out, as she felt like she couldn't get enough air into her body. She was dizzy, her mouth was dry, and her body was slightly shaking.

"Don't apologize. I need you to breathe slower, okay?"

"I killed him."

"I know, Daija, but-"

She didn't stop as the panic completely consumed her, "But nothing! I killed him and people are going to know, and-"

"Daija," he grabbed her shoulders, "Stop. Stop right now and just breathe. Don't think about anything else."

Her eyes shut, and she did her best to only think about breathing, even though her head was spinning.

What have I done?

"That's it. Keep breathing."

What can I do?

"You're doing great."

What's going to happen now?

"Just keep breathing," Jamie said as he opened the glove compartment and pulled out his wallet, grabbing a few twenties before opening the car door, "I'll be back, okay?"

Chosen One Gone Wrong (Villains & Monsters #1)Where stories live. Discover now