Chapter Forty

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Hey babes, sorry that this is late. I wrote this chapter like three different ways and finally just settled on this. This does mention $uicide and abuse throughout the entire chapter. If you shouldn't read it, please and I mean PLEASE skip this chapter. This also has a lot of feels. Oops.

I'm exhausted,  but I can't believe that this is chapter 40. Love you. <3 -Rae

Everything was silent.

She thought she would never have another moment where she felt pure, unfiltered fear that was strong enough to paralyze her from head-to-toe ever again. She felt it when she was bullied, felt it when people broke into her house and killed her father, felt it every time she heard her mother's footsteps outside of her bedroom.

She felt it now, standing in an empty coffee shop as her best friend revealed what she was up to. Her heart pounded, her gut twisted, her palms were slick with sweat, and she wanted to throw up and maybe even faint.

But she wouldn't. She wouldn't faint, she wouldn't cry, she wouldn't run. She dug a hole for herself, and it was time to lie in it.

Daija propped herself up to sit on the counter, and she sighed a quiet breath, "Okay. I hate the three of them with every fibre of my being, especially Aniya for shoving that 'Chosen One' bullshit down my throat, and I've been trying to find an efficient way to destroy their image."

She then asked, "How long have you known about Simon?"

Jamie, sitting at one of the tables, ran a hand through his red hair and answered, "A while. A while before last night even happened."

"What gave it away?"

He rolled his eyes, "You know, Daija, for someone so smart and incredibly clever, you're terrible at picking up hints. I've probably dropped around ten hints that I've known, and you missed all of them." he then sat up, "But, if you want to know what it looked like from my end, sure, I'll tell you."

Here we go. She thought to herself.

"The very first mission we brought you on, you and I were hiding and we saw Simon wreaking havoc in the city. The first thing you said about this man was that he was hot," he said, "And don't say that you were talking about his flames, because you looked at him like you wanted to strip his clothes off right then and there."

Her mouth dried as he continued, "Any time he was mentioned in conversations while you were beginning training, you suddenly would become a lot more interested in what was being said. Then, when Fiona crumbled under pressure and revealed you to the public and everyone in the group was practically losing their minds, you were calm. They were talking about him brutally murdering you, and you didn't react because you knew it wouldn't happen. Now let's talk about these bases."

"...Huh?" her chest tightened, and she had to remind herself to breathe.

"There was a camera in the cabin that I installed without the others knowing. The moment I found out it had been ransacked, I checked on my phone to see if the camera picked anything up before it was destroyed. And sure enough, I saw you two there. Once you handled his henchmen, I thought you two were going to fight, but you were giving each other major bedroom eyes."

She gulped, and her eyes widened, "I-"

"Daija, please. The tension was so thick and the chemistry was so insane and that kiss was so passionate that I blushed, for fuck's sake. Don't worry, I stopped watching the moment you two started making out."

He then looked directly in her eyes, "Last, but definitely not least, I heard you moaning in Base B."

Her jaw dropped to the ground, and she covered her mouth, the embarrassment threatening to kill her right then and there.

Chosen One Gone Wrong (Villains & Monsters #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon