Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hey babes, there is spice in this chapter. If I didn't die of embarrassment before, I'm definitely about to now. lmao I'm logging out. Love ya -Rae

She knew he would catch her. He always did.

The plan was for him to not catch Jamie. Because even though she enjoyed this rivalry way more than she should, keeping her friends out of it was a priority. She needed to get what she needed and leave immediately.

Once she was at the back door of the house, Daija turned to double check that Jamie was out of view. The only way Simon or his henchmen would see him is if they were to walk away from the docks, around the house and behind the trees.

Like she always did before each mission, she hesitated, waiting for a headache, or any other sort of sign to tell her to abort and turn around. When it didn't happen, she decided that it was time.

She set the timer on her phone, gestured to him that she was going inside, and he gave her a firm nod in response. Forty minutes. Using her powers to unlock the door, she quietly stepped inside of the house and shut the door behind her.

The lights were on, and towards the front of the house, she heard henchmen talking and moving around. She took a tiny step, and her heart nearly jumped when the floor creaked loudly with the pressure of her boots.

After seeing that the wood floor was dry, she removed her boots, put them in the corner and slowly tiptoed through the hallways with her socks on. Jamie's first instructions were to get to the lowest level of the house, so she looked around for some stairs.

She managed to find it without being noticed, and she walked down the old stairs and to the basement where there were two rooms. In one of them, she saw the red rug and grinned. Stepping inside, she quietly shut the door behind her and made sure it was locked, and that she was alone.

"Yes!" she excitedly whispered to herself as she put her bag on the ground near the table and took her jacket off. She wouldn't be here long at all. The faster she gets out of here, the better. Maybe she could read the rest of the book Jamie recommended to her when she gets home.

When she opened the closet, she frowned at all of the old jackets, praying that she wouldn't run into spiders or any type of rodents that could be found in the swamp. She already had a few mosquito bites.

"Looking for something?"

She gasped, turning around quickly and seeing Simon leaned against the wall with his arms crossed behind her. She blinked a few times, looking back and forth between him and the locked door. There was no way he could just appear from thin air. Unless...

Her eyes rolled as she sighed, "Invisibility? That's another one of your abilities?"

"Took you long enough," he chuckled, "You never asked about the rest of my talents."

"I got sidetracked."

"So it seems."

You're one to talk. "Just how many abilities do you have?" she asked.

"Four," he replied, "And no, I'm not telling you what the last one is."

She took a few moments to think before asking, "Have I seen the fourth one? Do you use it often?"

"I use it, but not often. Probably my most useless power."

She made a note to also look into how he could have that many abilities, and if Ian was also multi-powered. Because if that's the case, would she also have more than one ability? She shuddered at the thought.

There was no way she could handle the pain of another power manifesting; especially when she barely came back from the pain of the one she had now.

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