Chapter Fourteen

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Hey, babes. Trigger warning for this chapter. It does mention $uicide and abuse. For those who want to skip it, scroll when you see, "The bathroom door was locked," and stop when you see, "Her phone buzzed in her pocket."

Also, the story does start to get a little darker from here as Daija starts to really tiptoe that line between good and bad. I will put trigger warnings for everything, I promise. Love you -Rae

P.S - Sorry that this chapter is a little longer than usual.

She hesitated at the elevator, her hand inches from pressing the button to summon it.

One part of her just wanted to get on, head to the first floor, walk to the front desk, meet up with Violet so they can be on their way to her aunt's house.

The other part of her, the part that she really shouldn't listen to as much as she does, wanted to turn around, walk back into that office and kiss Simon again. And holy fuck, he was a good kisser.

Daija wanted more. Wanted him to do more. Wanted more of his lips on hers and his hands on her body and to feel every part of him.

She sighed, shaking her head and mumbling to herself as she pressed the button to summon the elevator. "He's a bad man. He's killed tons of people, and I'm pretty sure one of his goals is world domination or something."

You'd be a killer too if you stopped being so scared to make that jump. That wild part of her mind whispered, And if he's so bad, why does everything about him feel so good?

As the elevator opened, she shuddered and stepped inside, waiting for it to take her to the first floor. She knew things would be different if she wasn't afraid.

If she wasn't afraid, her mom would've died a long time ago. If she wasn't afraid, she wouldn't be spending this much time figuring out a way to destroy the heroes without killing them.

Because she knew that if she finally crossed the line that she had been tiptoeing for years, she would never want to look back.


Daija got to the front desk right on time. The moment she sat down in the spacious lounge, that white door opened again. Out walked Violet, safe and smiling, and Sierra followed close behind her, also smiling. She stood up to go greet them, and she heard a bit of their conversation.

"Do you have any more questions for me?" Sierra asked, putting her pen at the top of her clipboard and brushing a strand of her hair out of her face.

Now that Daija got a good look at her, she realized that she and Simon looked freakishly similar. Their eye shape and color was the same, their smile - playful and flirtatious - was the same, and their black hair was also the same. Like her brother, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

Vi shook her head. "Not at all. Thank you very much for interviewing me."

"No problem. Looks like you're all set. I'll contact you if I need anything else from you, and you should have a response from me by the end of the month."

"Okay, have a great day."

"You as well, Vi." The way she said her nickname made Daija pause for a few seconds.

As Violet walked over to her, Sierra caught Daija's eyes as she was getting ready to go back beyond the door. She smiled, and suddenly she heard her voice in her head.

"Thanks. You're breathtakingly beautiful as well by the way."

Daija practically choked, and before she could say anything, Sierra left. A telepath. A freaking telepath. She immediately started wondering if the rest of the Reid family had powers as well.

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