Chapter Seventeen

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Daija fell asleep while writing in her journal. 

When she woke up, she saw that the digital clock on her dresser read 8:33 in the morning. She was still in her clothes from the night before, and she forgot to put her phone on the charger.

Before closing her journal, she looked at the last page she wrote in, trying to make sense of some of the things that were crossed out, circled, or drawn over.

I could've killed him. I almost killed him. It wrote. She picked up her pen and wrote a few more sentences after it.

I'll never admit this out loud, but there was something satisfying about finally having the power to shut someone up and make them scared. A part of me wishes that I finished the job, and the other part of me hates that an idea so twisted like that would even cross my mind in the first place. I can move people. I can choke them from a distance. And I know that there's more I can do.

She stopped for a second to breathe and center herself. It's okay, She told herself, Writing is good. Writing is healthy. I can say what I need to here.

Picking up her pen again, she continued to write. The more time I spend with the heroes and see just how awful they are, the more my idea of revenge keeps changing. At first I just wanted to destroy their friendships, their reputations, and maybe get rid of most of their resources. Now I just want them to suffer. And I hate that, because that kind of mentality would only turn me into my mother.

She sighed and shut her journal, putting it back in her drawer and putting her phone on the charger.

As she showered, she started thinking about her next moves. Her and Jamie agreed that they wouldn't be helping the others with anything, nor would they be training. That now gives her more time to start breaking them down, and since they're about to get more busy, she won't have to worry too much about getting caught.

The quicker, the better. Because it's only a matter of time Simon does something and gets ahead in their competition. Even though most days all she thought about was sleeping with him, she needed to remember that they were rivals, and like she told herself before, losing wasn't an option.


"The rioters burned down a police station on the east side of the city in the middle of the night." Violet said as she sipped her coffee, a small sigh leaving her lips, "I sent a message to my parents to be careful."

"Do you plan on visiting them this month?" Daija asked from the kitchen as she washed a few dishes. She would be leaving pretty soon to run a few errands before going to work.

Vi sat down on the living room couch and wrapped her usual fluffy blanket around her body. She thought for a moment, then answered, "Yeah, that'd be best now that the semester's over." She rolled her eyes, "Give it about ten minutes and they'll ask what my plans are for junior year."

She laughed quietly, drying her hands on a towel and checking her phone. Jamie had texted her a few minutes ago.

Jamie: You're about to get a text from Aniya for a meeting at ten. Brace yourself.

Wow, that was quick. She was thinking that it would be a few days until she heard from any of them.

Me: She messaged you already? Can't even finish my coffee, huh?

Jamie: That's what I said. Damn, my book was just getting interesting too.

Me: Let me guess -- the characters fuck each other senseless for five pages straight?

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