Chapter Thirty-Five

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A very thin layer of frost coated the walls of the living room, and the foyer of the apartment.

The frost was a blue-white color, and in the sunlight that streamed through the curtains, she caught tiny hints of an iridescent royal purple, shining like faint glitter that can only be seen when viewed closely.

It was one of the most beautiful things Daija had ever seen, and it came from her.

She stared at her hands, which still looked normal, and she was still unable to process what was now her reality. Once she snapped out of it, she threw the blanket off and braced herself for the uncomfortable chill to hit her skin, since she went to sleep wearing only a bra and underwear.

Surprisingly, she felt normal. With the air conditioning on full blast, and the small amount of frost and ice that covered the surface of the apartment, she expected to be shivering.

"Daija?" Jamie's impatient voice came from behind the door, shaking her from her trance, "Come on, I'm literally dying of anticipation! Just unlock the door!"

"One second!" she called back, and she went to her room, putting on a pair of shorts, some socks, and an orange t-shirt on. She went to the thermostat in the hallway and turned the heat on so the frost could start melting. It would take a while for it to work, but she was willing to wait.

She walked to the front door, frowning at the ice that sealed it shut. She didn't know how to move it yet, so she twisted the door knob and used enough force to pull it open.

On the other side, Jamie smiled at her, "Finally. How are you- Holy shit!!" he immediately shoved his hands into his pockets once he stepped inside, staring at Daija with wide eyes as she closed the door.

"Why is it so cold in here?! It has to be under twenty degrees- Whoa..." he gasped as he looked around the apartment. His jaw dropped at the sight of the frost, and he looked back and forth between it and her.

Eventually, he grinned teasingly, "Well, hello there, Elsa."

"Jamie," she warned as she crossed her arms, "It's not even noon yet. Don't get punched."

"Sorry, sorry. First and only joke. I promise," he laughed before reaching for her hands to look at them, "Unreal. It's freezing here but your hands are at normal temperature."

He then walked over to the wall, running a finger down the frost, and he was smiling so hard that she thought his face was going to break.

"Cryokinesis..." he looked back up at her, "Daija, this is incredible!"

She couldn't help but laugh at his excitement. He then gestured to her clothes, "And you're not even affected! You're wearing shorts!"

"It's crazy," she sighed, but she was also excited, "But it's beautiful."

"I thought the same thing. This has to be the most beautiful thing that has ever come from a Major power manifesting. What was it like? Tell me everything."

"How about we go somewhere to talk? You're shivering in here. Wait outside and I'll meet you."


He left the apartment, and Daija went back to her bedroom to put on some better clothes. She was definitely going to take her new powers for a test drive, and this time, she wouldn't burn out and be caught by the heroes.

Once she was dressed, she went to the bathroom and turned the faucet on, switching it to the coldest it could go. Sticking her hand under the water, she waited for the temperature to shock her, but it didn't.

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