Chapter Thirty

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Babes, we made it to chapter thirty. Thirty. The most I've written in years, and I've been stepping out of my comfort zone. Thank you for all of the support, and all of your friendly, engaging comments. I love all of you. <3 -Rae

Daija was still a little shaky when she finally left the house.

As she walked, the reality of what happened in that room hit her. Simon knew that Jamie was out here the entire time, and he really put hickies on her neck in hopes that he would see them.

"Asshole," she muttered as she rolled her eyes. Good thing she came prepared.

Making sure she wasn't seen, she walked carefully back to the hiding spot, and Jamie was there, quietly watching the docks with a bottle of water in his hand. When he saw her, he gave her a soft smile and sipped his water, "Right on time. Find anything?"

She nodded as she knelt down beside him, keeping her voice at a whisper, "I found a folder underneath the floor. Hopefully, it'll be enough. Luckily, I wasn't noticed."

He stared at her for a bit, then reached into his bag and pulled out another bottle of water, not breaking his gaze, "Here. You look a little dehydrated."

"My god, you're a lifesaver," she sighed in relief, accepting the bottle and taking a few gulps. Once she was done, she said, "Let's get going. We don't wanna be here when he sets this place on fire."

"Right," he nodded as he stood up, "Plus, these mosquitoes are absolutely insane out here. Let's leave."

They readjusted their bags on their backs, and started walking back to his car.


"Damn, it feels good to be out of there," Jamie said as he drove. Once they got back to the car, they put their bags in the backseat and switched out of the muddy boots, tossing them in the trunk and putting on regular tennis shoes.

"Definitely. That's the last time I go to any type of swamp. Ever. I was terrified I was going to run into spiders or something."

"You know they're more scared of you then you are of them, right?" he snickered.

Daija shot him a look, "If that's the case, then why do they crawl towards me? Hm?"

"Whatever," he laughed, "Anyway, what's in that folder?"

She reached behind the seat and grabbed her bag, opening it and pulling out the folder. "Some documents. I tried peeking at them earlier, but I was more focused on getting out of there," she tried looking at them now, only to roll her eyes, "The writing is tiny, and there's a ton of it."

"There's a twenty-four hour library around here," he said as he switched lanes, "Let's go there. It's only eleven at night, and you and I don't have to be at work until noon tomorrow."

"Okay, perfect," she said as she grabbed her phone, sending Violet a quick message that she was okay and that she was going to be home a little later and that she should go to bed instead of waiting on her.

Once Jamie pulled into a parking lot of a large library, the two of them got out of the car, grabbed what they needed and walked inside. Even though it was late, there were still tons of people reading or studying in the multiple sitting areas.

"Hey, Tony," he called to the librarian at the front desk.

The man who looked no older than twenty-five lowered his book and grinned, "Hey, Jamie, long time no see," he then turned to Daija, "Nice to meet you. I'm Tony."

"Daija. Nice to meet you."

"Is Room G open?" Jamie asked, "We have some work we need to do."

"Anything for you," Tony nodded and gave him a small silver key, "I told you that I practically owe you my life. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have my degree."

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