Chapter Three

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Her body was stiff, as if she'd been sleeping on the floor. Had she spent the night in her car? Some of the pain was gone, but not enough to fully function. Daija forced herself to open her eyes and take in her surroundings.

She wasn't in her car, nor was she in her apartment. She was on the floor of a jail cell.

"What the fuck?" She asked as she sat up quickly, only to regret it when sharp pain rushed through her head. She winced, gently rubbing her temples as she tried to recall what happened.

"You burned out."

She looked up when she heard the voice, seeing Aniya leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.


"I said," Aniya stepped closer to the bars, "you burned out. That's what happens when you use your powers too much and too fast. Tell me, what's the last thing you remember?"

Daija furrowed her brows, leaning her back against the cell's chilly wall and glaring at the woman a few feet from her. "I remember falling asleep in my car."

"Uh-huh. Then what?"

"Then you were pounding on my window like you lost your goddamn mind."

The heroine scoffed, "I lost my mind? Did you forget the part where you brought down eight tall buildings for no reason?"

"Please," Daija rolled her eyes, "the city was going to tear them down anyway."

"They weren't yours to tear down though, Daija!"

"Can you let me go? I should have been home hours ago."

"Hours ago?" Aniya raised her brow, "you've been asleep for three days."

Her jaw dropped. "What?!"

"That's what happens when you burn out. You're going to feel like shit for the next five to six days. Maybe if you listened instead of running around and destroying things, you would have known this. What you did was chaotic and reckless, and it's not something that you as the Chosen One should be doing."

"God, here we go again," Daija groaned, "Who the fuck do you think I am? I don't want anything to do with this "Chosen One" stuff. Who even chose me to begin with?"

"It doesn't matter. But until you're ready to grow up, you're staying right here. I'll have someone bring you food and water in a moment."

"I'm pretty sure this is kidnapping since you don't work with the government."

Aniya didn't answer. Instead, she turned on her heel and walked up a flight of stairs. Was she in some form of basement?

Once she was alone, she focused on using her powers to break the cell door; only to nearly scream at the pain that threatened to split her head open. She shuddered, way too weak to think of any other plans. She soon gave into the sluggish feelings and went back to sleep.


Aniya was right. She felt like shit for the rest of the week. Her days consisted of eating crappy food, drinking lukewarm water, cursing out anyone who got too close and nearly crying from the pain that came with attempting to use her powers. Eventually, she accepted that until she was well-rested, she wasn't getting out of here. So, she spent most of her days sleeping.

It was late at night when she was awoken by someone coming down the stairs. She could tell from the footsteps that it was Aniya.

"Daija, get up."

She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. When she looked over at the clock on the wall, she saw that it was two in the morning.

"What do you want?"

"Have you learned your lesson?" She asked, pulling a pair of gloves on. Daija then noticed that she was dressed in her superhero uniform. The gold and white suit with the hero's symbol right on the chest. Bright, beautiful, and meant to bring hope.

It only pissed her off more.

"What lesson? I did nothing wrong."

Aniya sighed, "I didn't come here to argue again."

"Okay, well either let me out of jail or let me go back to sleep."

"I'll let you out of jail if you start training with us, realize that you are the Chosen One and that this is important. You're obviously meant to change this world for the better and you need to start acting like it. If not, you can just stay here. I mean, you seem pretty comfortable after a week."

Daija bit the side of her mouth to keep from screaming. She thought about how badly she needed to get out of here and get some fresh air. She also wanted a hot shower, a nicer meal, and to sleep in her bed back at home.

It was simple. Cooperate now, tear her apart later.


Aniya grinned. Bright, heroic and stupid. "Good!" then her face changed into something more serious, "now get up. We have a problem."

"What do you mean?"

"Code red deep in the city. Our villain is pretty active right now. You are coming with us to observe and nothing more. Maybe then you'll understand how important it is to be a hero."

She scowled. "It is two in the morning."

"Let's. Go."

Daija groaned into her arm. This was going to be the second longest night of her life. 

Chosen One Gone Wrong (Villains & Monsters #1)Where stories live. Discover now