Chapter Fifty-Three

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First things first, thank you all for the birthday wishes on Saturday. Most of my closest friends and family forgot, and it made me feel so much better reading your sweet comments. <3

I don't know why but I'm very obsessed with this chapter. Yeah it's all over the place but tbh that's this entire book lmao. However, it's the chapters after this one that I'm super excited for.

Love you. Stay hydrated and get some rest. -Rae

Daija followed Simon out of the dressing room and back to where Austin and his group were. To her surprise, Tony was beside them, also dressed in black with a matching jacket.

"Hi, Tony," she smiled once she approached him, "Are you coming with us?"

"I am," he nodded, "Austin said that the goal is to be discreet and to not trigger any alarms, so he asked me to come along and disable them." He then shot Austin a small glare, "I would've appreciated it if it wasn't so last minute."

Austin grinned sheepishly, "Sorry, man. Like I said before-"

"The best things happen on last minute missions. Yeah, yeah, yeah," he finished for him, rolling his eyes in the process, "You're lucky Daija is here. Otherwise, I would've said no."

Daija then asked, "So, where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there," Austin and Simon said at the same time.

"Should I be worried?"

"With these two together? Yes. Definitely," Tony answered her.

"Oh, come on," Simon playfully nudged his shoulder, "We're not that bad."

"You two purposely get caught."

Austin scoffed, "Not always."

"Yeah, stop trying to make us look bad," Simon rolled his eyes.

Tony raised a brow, "So, what happened when-"

"Oh, look, everyone's ready!" Austin cut him off, sticking his tongue out at him before calling out to the rest of the group, "Alright, let's move out."

His tone then became serious, "Remember the plan. No getting caught, no triggering alarms, no games. It's our newbie's first mission, and I'm more than certain that each of you remember how scary your first run was. Don't fuck this up."

When the small group gave him a quiet nod of understanding, he signaled that it was time. Austin had a group of six henchmen, and adding him, Daija, Tony and Simon, there were a total of ten on this mission. They all got into a spacious truck together, and within moments, they were on their way towards downtown.

It wasn't a quiet ride. There were tons of jokes and fun conversations shared throughout the group while Daija quietly watched. Even though they're a serious group of people, they knew how to have a good time.

As she stared, she started to get lost in her thoughts. It was late at night, and she didn't know where they were going. Her head wasn't hurting, but she was anxious. What if the heroes were to be out at this time? What if Jamie was with them? How would he feel if he saw her wearing Simon's symbol and committing crime? -- Which was the opposite of what she should be doing.

"You're really quiet tonight, newbie," Austin's usual, playful voice brought her back to reality.

"It's been a long day, and it's about to be a longer night," she said.

"Aw, cheer up, my pretty hero," Simon put an arm around her shoulder and tilted her closer to him, "You'll appreciate this little exercise."

"I still can't believe you break the law just because you're bored."

Chosen One Gone Wrong (Villains & Monsters #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang