Chapter Forty-Five

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A little earlier, but still after midnight. :-) I hope you guys like this. I can't wait for you all to see this friendship grow stronger. -Rae

"You're a little spaced out. Is everything okay?" Sierra asked as she drove.

Daija was sitting in the passenger seat of her shiny, white car. Now really close to her, she had been smelling her perfume. The exact same perfume she smelled on Violet just yesterday afternoon.

"Yeah," she replied with a small smile, "Just a lot that happened between now and yesterday. Especially with the heroes."

"I really hate the fact that you were thrown in jail. Yeah, buildings were destroyed, but they were old. There's bigger and more important reasons to lock someone up."

"I think the worst part was the burn out. Then sleeping on the floor and drinking lukewarm water."

Her face twisted, "They made you sleep on a floor while you were recovering from a burnout? And they couldn't bother to give you cold water? Did they at least give you medical attention?"


"Ridiculous. It's bad enough that they didn't let you go until you agreed to work with them, but not taking care of you? What if you died?"

"I guess it wouldn't matter," Daija scoffed.

The car was silent, and she thought about what happened before they left the meeting room. The news that Luca bought, the dark look in Simon's eyes, and how he suddenly had something to take care of.

"Simon's torturing people right now, isn't he?" the question spilled before she could think on it for another second.

"More than likely," Sierra nodded quietly, "Does that scare you?"

She shook her head, "No." She knew that she would be terrified if her head was hurting, and if her danger sense wasn't alerting her, then she had nothing to be afraid of.

"The moment Luca gave the news, I asked him if I could steal you in case he wanted to go and deal with it."

"You asked him?" she furrowed her brows.

"Talking to him through his mind," she said, bringing up a hand to point at her temple, "Telepath, remember?"

Daija rolled her eyes, "I swear that I remember, then I forget for a few seconds. How often do you read people's minds?"

"Only when necessary. I always say that people's thoughts are very private, and that they should be able to keep them to themselves. Sorry for barging in on that day when you came to OpalSpace's headquarters. I wish I had more time to talk to you."

"No worries," she smiled, "Believe it or not, that wasn't the craziest thing that happened that day."

She wasn't lying. The day of Violet's interview was a long one. At first it was blissful, because of the sparring match and kissing Simon for the first time. Then it got out of hand with Aniya stealing her idea of going to the Mayor, and her snapping and almost killing Justin.

That day still shows up in her dreams.

"I've learned early on that there's just some things about people that I shouldn't know," Sierra's voice brought her back from her thoughts, "For example, I know not to ever read my older brother's mind unless it's an absolute emergency."

"That bad, huh?"

"You have no idea," she shuddered, "One of these days, I'll just shout that he's not paying attention to one of Austin's rants. Just to get him in trouble."

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