Chapter Forty-Four

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5am update. :-) I can't wait for your comments on this one. Love you. -Rae

"Does anyone else on your team have powers?" Daija asked.

Once Simon had finished showering, both of them were back in his car and on the way to base. It was a little after one o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was high in the sky.

"Nope. Just me and Sierra," he said, "By the way, there's one more person who wants to meet you, but I'm not sure if Luca will be back today. I sent him out on a job two nights ago." he then smiled a little as he shrugged, "When I texted everyone last night and said you were coming, he was pissed because he also wanted to be here for it. I'm more than certain I'll get an earful for it later."

She smiled, then asked, "What kind of job?"

"I sent him to track someone down, which is his specialty. Everyone on my team has their separate roles. He's my tracker. If I'm looking for anyone in Kunross, he and his team will find them."

"What's everyone else's role?"

"Sierra's my second-in-command, and she's also our big scientist. Not only does she work with me, she also works with Mom at OpalSpace by managing interns. She and her team practically live in labs and meeting rooms. Plus, she always on her laptop."

"She sounds extremely busy. I hope she takes care of herself."

Simon smiled softly, "I tell her that all of the time, but like Mom, she loves staying busy. She took some time off recently though. Just yesterday afternoon, she got back from a week-long vacation. She also did a bunch of shopping," he then snickered, "She's thrilled to meet you. I hope you enjoy shopping, because it's more than likely she's going to take you on a spree or two. Gift giving is her love language."

"She's already given me way more than enough-"

"What did I tell you earlier? You're going to be spoiled here. The sooner you accept that, the better this will be," he said, "Now, moving on. Austin's my third-in-command, and he's the leader of the entirety of my henchmen. Big fighter. Definitely does not mind getting his hands dirty."

"Also your best friend, from what I can tell."

"Yeah," he scoffed, "Best friend for practically my entire life. He's a wild card and he talks a lot of shit, but he's never hesitated to help me when I needed it."

"Aw, so he's basically your brother?"

He nodded, "Yeah. He's twenty-three, -- and a year older than me -- and he's been around since I was seven. We went to the same school," he smiled softly, "Since my invisibility was the first power to manifest at around nine or ten, I used it to play pranks on him. Often."

"Did you tell everyone about your powers?"

"Just him and my family. He's good at keeping secrets, even with all of the pranks."

Daija imagined a younger Simon playing stupid pranks, and laughed a little at it.

"Tony's my hacker," he continued as he turned the car, "Honestly, anything tech related is something that he and his team are good at. Oh, and he's also good at finances, and gushing about romance books. You'll love that about him. At twenty-five, he's the oldest of the group, so he's definitely the mom. Always worried, always making sure that all of us are okay."

She made a mental note to ask Jamie about his history with Tony, but she'll have to be super discreet about it. She can't reveal what Tony does, but she has to know if Jamie knows about what he does. It would be difficult.

"Adrienne is my spymaster. She's the best at what she does. Thanks to her and her spies, I have eyes and ears all around the city. She's super observant, and she's a sweetheart. When she's not spying or even managing spies, she crafts and designs. Her and Sierra designed my suit."

Chosen One Gone Wrong (Villains & Monsters #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora