Chapter Eleven

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"No offense," Daija said as she walked beside Jamie, "but your brother is an asshole."

They left the training room after Aniya's meeting and headed straight for the woodsy area that wasn't too far from it. It was about a fifteen minute walk, and where they were going was quiet and secluded so therefore they wouldn't have to worry about someone asking questions.

Jamie laughed, loud and unrestrained, "Oh, trust me, I know. Also, I love how you just ignored the fact that he was one hundred percent hitting on you back there."

"Gosh, all the winks and extra smiles were just weird. I thought he said something about having a girlfriend."

"If by "girlfriend" you mean friends with excessive benefits, then yeah, he's had plenty of those. He can't seem to shut up about you though. Especially this last week."

She cringed. "Oh god, really?"

"Mhm. Usually after the second, "She's so hot. Did you see the way she looked during training?" I just stop listening to him."

Daija rolled her eyes and groaned. This was definitely not how she envisioned training. What was she even supposed to say? 'Oh, sorry, I can't go out with you because A: I think you're too full of yourself and B: I'm on a small mission to completely destroy you.'?

Honestly, she couldn't wait until all of this was over and she could find a way to water it down to Lani and Violet.


Ripping trees from the ground was easier than she thought. In the span of half an hour, she managed to lift five of them. She probably thought it was simple because she brought down eight buildings the moment she found out she had powers. Still, she didn't want to push herself.

"Here, drink some water," Jamie said as he handed her a bottle.

"Thanks. I actually have a question."

"What's up?"

"If I can move anything with my mind, could I also move people?" She took a few gulps of her water.

Chin in hand, Jamie took some time to think before saying, "Well, I'm not sure. Have you tried?"

"No. When I thought about it last week, it seemed complicated. Won't it be hard to do so since people are in control of their own bodies? I would have to overpower them."

"Okay, let's test it." He said as he stuck his arm out, "Try to raise my arm above my head."

She took a few breaths to center herself, shut her eyes and focused. Everything was quiet.

Imagine how much you could do if you accomplished this, A part of her mind whispered.

"Um... Daija?"

Imagine being able to manipulate people without touching them.


Imagine hurting them the way you want. Imagine getting the revenge you dreamed about.

"Daija!!" Jamie shouted, and her eyes opened to see that he wasn't in front of her.

He was dangling high in the air above her.

She gasped, and to her fear, her focus completely shattered and her mental grip on him released, sending him plummeting to the ground fast. Quickly, she threw her hand up, her power catching him just inches from the ground.

With a sigh of relief, she gently lowered him the rest of the way down, rushing up to him to check if he was hurt. "Are you okay?! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

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