Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Aaaaaaaaand we're back to 3am updates. *sigh* Oh well. -Rae

Thursday night came around too quickly.

Daija had thought about trying to get Aniya to move the date a night earlier, but she and the rest of the team were already set. So, she was just going to have to deal with tonight. But, all five of the heroes were going to be there. Simon typically brings a small group of henchmen. There's a possibility that they'll be slightly outnumbered, but they're all powerful.

She made a plan in her head. If it got too bad, her top priority would be getting Jamie out, then she would go back for anything that Base A could have.

"I think I miscalculated just how stressed Aniya is," Jamie said from the other side of the door as Daija got dressed in her suit, "I don't think she even drinks water anymore. Just coffee."

"This is really wearing them down. If the public doesn't rip them apart, their unhealthy habits will," she replied as she pulled her leggings on, "By the way, I'm not wearing those boots. I'm sticking to tennis shoes."

He snickered, "Why not? Too much?"

"Are you wearing yours?"


"Then you have your answer. What time is it?"

"A little after ten. We should get going pretty soon here."

As she started to put her curly hair into two braids, a small sigh escaped her lips, "Are you nervous for tonight?"

"Well, not really," he answered after a moment, "Aniya may be paranoid, but we have an advantage. Your Minor ability is a danger sense. If your head starts hurting, say something immediately."

"You're right."

He chuckled, "I know I am."

Once she was finished, she put her jacket over her top like she usually did, and she did a final check in the mirror. Since this was the last base, this may be the last time she wears this suit. She would miss it, but she already has the magical leggings that were neutral-looking.

"Stop looking at your ass. We need to go," Jamie said.

She rolled her eyes, "Keep it up, Jamie. It'll be a long night for both of us." She grabbed a smaller bag to put her phone and keys in, and she opened the door to the bedroom, where he was waiting on the other side. He was also dressed in his suit with a jacket covering the top part of it.

"So, ready to install a bunch of expensive security equipment?" he asked as they left the apartment, Daija locking the door behind them. Together, they left the complex and walked to his car.

"I don't understand why Aniya just didn't have people install it for us."

"Base A is private and very important. It was our old facility before Ian was murdered. Whatever we couldn't take to the newer facility, we kept there. I figured it was a bunch of old stuff that may have belonged to him, but with Aniya freaking out this bad, it's definitely important. The computers may be password-protected, but Simon has a good team who could easily get around it, and she doesn't want to take any chances."

They got into his car, and the moment their seat belts were on, he pulled out of the parking lot and got onto the road.

"How are you doing with the documents?" she asked, "Do you need some help with them?"

"I was able to figure out a couple of things. Ready for more confusing stuff?"

"Go for it."

"So, remember what I said about you, Ian and Simon being lab accidents?"

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