Chapter Twelve

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"Daija?" A gentle poke on her cheek stirred her from her sleep. "Daijaaaaaa?" The poking then moved to her nose, light, repetitive and playful.

Daija's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around to see that she fell asleep in the living room.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead." Violet giggled in front of her, "You're not the type to sleep on the couch. Up pretty late?"

"Yeah. What time is it?"

"A little after 9:30."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking at the mess around her. The TV was still on, and she had left her bag of chips open on the table. No doubt that they were stale. Beside her chips was one of the books that Jamie recommended to her.

A recommendation that definitely did not disappoint. She wondered how on Earth he even managed to find a book with such detail.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I wanted your opinion on my outfit." Violet then stepped back so she could see all of it. She wore a black pencil skirt that came to her knees, and a white blouse tucked within it. Her dark hair was pinned up with a few loose strands framing her face.

Daija took a quick glance at the calendar on the wall. Monday. Today was the day of her interview at OpalSpace. The rest of the week and the weekend seemed to fly by. She's been spending her days working at the coffee shop, training, and reading. Life seemed a bit more calmer after finals.

She turned back to Vi, smiling as she leaned back against the couch cushions. "You look incredible, is that even a question? How are you feeling today?"

Vi sighed loudly, sitting beside her. "I'm so fucking scared. Yeah, I updated my resume, checked all of my recent projects and got my portfolio together, and it all looks solid. But, I just think it's not enough. I don't know if I can do this."

"Violet, don't be afraid. You're the smartest woman I know. And if they don't see that, then something is really wrong with them."

When Vi looked at the ground and didn't say anything, Daija crossed her arms. "How about this: If they don't see just how talented and brilliant you are and give you that internship, I'll bring their headquarters down to the damn ground."

Her face brightened, and she even laughed a bit. "Daija, you're too funny. This is why I love you."

If only she knew how serious she was, and if she knew that she had the ability to do such a thing.

"What time is your interview again? Noon, right?"

"Yeah, but I was thinking of leaving early for two reasons. One: It's a bit of a drive, and Two: Today's extra special. Valerie Reid, the CEO herself is coming to visit for a panel that starts at eleven. I was hoping to catch a little bit of it before the interview."

As she stood up, Daija still noticed that she looked incredibly nervous. "Do you want me to come with you? I can watch the panel with you until your interview, and while I'm waiting for you, I can tour the building or something. After all, it is OpalSpace Corp. for crying out loud. I wouldn't mind looking around for a while."

Vi smiled brightly. "You would come? Really?"

"Of course, Vi. This means everything to you, so I want to support you in any way I can."

She wrapped her arms around her and sighed in relief. "Thank you."

"No problem. Give me some time to get dressed and we'll go. Then, on the way back, we can stop by and say hi to Aunt Celia."

"That'll be perfect."


Violet was right, it was a bit of a drive. A forty-five minute drive. She was thankful that didn't have to dress as fancy as her. She wore some dark skinny jeans, a simple orange top and some shoes that were good for walking around.

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