Chapter Fifty-Two

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Sorry that it took so long to update, and that this chapter is so short. My family's been making shit difficult for me. I can't wait to read your comments. Once again, I desperately need to smile and laugh.

Love you. -Rae

Daija put her book down and sat up, her face scrunched up in a mix of confusion and disbelief, "What?"

"I said," Simon started as he put his hands in jacket pockets, "We're going to commit a crime."

We're? "It's almost midnight."

"Your point?"

She crossed her arms, "Aren't you tired? It's been a long day."

"Maybe, but I'm bored."

Who the hell just commits crime when they're bored? she thought to herself as she settled back into her bed, "...Well, have fun and don't run into any trouble."

"Daija," he laughed, "Nice try, but you're coming with me."

"I'm pretty sure you're in a rush. I'm not even dressed. See?" she threw the blanket off to reveal a plain black t-shirt and simple dark leggings meant for lounging around and sleeping.

"I can wait for you in the living room so you can get dressed."

But, Simon," she groaned loudly and dramatically, "I don't wanna go. The book was just getting interesting."

"This will be good for you. Trust me."

She raised a brow, "How will that be good for me? I'm not one for committing crime."

"Did you forget the part where you've been breaking and entering so you could beat me in our game? Also, you're the one who burned down Base E. That wasn't me."

"Yeah, because I was pissed that you edged me. Also, that's not the point. I was breaking and entering because there was a reason behind it."

"You committed a crime because you wanted to, which proves my point."

"You-- For fuck's sake, whatever. You didn't answer my question. How will this be good for me?"

He gave her a small smile and said, "You'll see. We won't be gone for more than three hours. Then, you can sleep."

"Hmm," she faked a thoughtful expression, "I'm held captive, it's late at night, and I'm being forced to go somewhere I don't want to go. Interesting. Where have I heard this story before?"

Simon laughed, "Not at all the same situation. Now, come on. We're going to be late. Get dressed."

"I don't know," she stretched before laying back in the bed, "This bed is super comfortable. You should join me and just leave the late night drama to the heroes."

"No distractions tonight," he said, but she could tell he considered it for a split second, "The faster we get this done, the faster you can go back to sleep. Just get dressed."


"Would you prefer that I dress you instead?"

"I think you and I both prefer you undress me, my troublemaker."

He sighed, but there were hints of an amused smile, "Being difficult tonight, are we?"

"Didn't I tell you that I wasn't going to make this easy for you?"

"Let's go, Daija."

She held his stare and challenged him, "No."


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