Chapter Thirty-Four

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This story hit 2K votes. Omg. Tysm babes. For the support, for the comments, for everything. Love you. <3 -Rae

A day after she talked with Simon, Daija decided to cut back on how much she was working. She needed to sleep more. For the moment, she put aside anything related to the heroes to give her mind a break.

Instead, she focused on getting things ready for the upcoming fall semester. Yes, it was the beginning of June, but she knew time would go by quickly. She hated everything about college, and she wished that a "decent" life didn't revolve around it.

One day, she might go to the university and "accidentally" knock it down.

Violet was going to be visiting her parents and staying with them for the next week, since it was probably going to be her last free week before she starts her internship at OpalSpace. She wanted to see them before she got busy again.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" she asked as she put her last bag in her car, "You know they wouldn't mind."

"I know, but I still have some work to get done," Daija said as she pulled her into a hug, "Go have fun, tell them I said hello, and cuddle the dog for me."

"Of course," Vi laughed as she hugged her back. Then, she was in her car and she was gone.

Daija now had the apartment to herself for a full week. Now, she could do some deep writing in the living room, or she could openly have some conversations with either Jamie or Simon.

She was still adjusting, still dealing with the guilt of what happened in that alley, but she was managing a lot better than last week. She bought a diffuser a couple of days ago, and she frequently loads it up with lavender essential oils, reminding her of Lani's office.

Whenever she had a nightmare, she would sit on her bed and breathe slowly, letting the panic go as quickly as it came.

And each time, she would tell herself that it wasn't her fault.

Even now, as she was writing in her journal with the TV making noise in the background, she found an entry from last week.

I could've done it differently. I could've kept him alive. I shouldn't have done it. There should have been a different way. It was an accident.

She took a small breath and crossed it out, scribbling a single sentence right below it.

Jamie is safe, and that's all that matters.


The next afternoon at work after the first wave of customers, Daija used the quiet time to straighten up some of the tables. Devin was making drinks for the group, Hazel was on her phone, and Jamie was reading a book.

"Daija," Hazel whispered to get her attention, and she turned around to see that her friend's eyes were wide.

"What is it?"

"The leggings," she breathed out, "Where the hell did you get those?"

She grinned. A few days ago, Jamie was able to find the person who made their suits, and Daija used some of her money to buy some leggings in black, gray and white.

And her ass looked amazing in all of them.

"It's a secret," she said, and from the corner of her eye, she saw Jamie shoot her a knowing look.

"Well, please share because sheesh. I'd pay good money for a pair. Don't get me wrong, it always looks nice, but now?"

Devin raised a brow, "What are we talking about here?"

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