Chapter Two

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Daija leaned back in the driver's seat of her car, the sound of her nails impatiently tapping on the steering wheel filling the space. She had been driving for a while now, and was more than certain that Aniya wasn't following her.

Eventually, she made it to the east side of Kunross where some construction was taking place. The city planned to tear down the old buildings and make a new shopping mall.

Well, she'd be doing them a favor.

Since no one lived around here, no one would mind if she tested her powers here. Before she got swarmed with college work, she came here a lot. She liked walking through the old roads knowing that no one else was around, where nothing existed except for her and time.

She parked her car a distance away from the buildings, sent a quick text message to her roommate saying that she wouldn't be home for a while, and checked her appearance in the mini mirror on the sun visor. She frowned at the bags underneath her brown eyes. Hopefully she could get some rest in the next few days. She pulled her hood over her curly brown hair, then got out of her car and started to walk.

She thought about what happened in the classroom. Just by thinking about the chair moving, it did move. She stopped walking and found a stick on the ground. She stared at it and concentrated, imagining it floating in the air above the ground.

Nothing happened. Her brow furrowed in confusion. Taking a deep breath, she tried it again. Again, nothing. For the next five minutes, all of her attention was on moving a damn stick. When it didn't move, she stuck her arm out so her hand was in front of it.

Please let something happen. She thought to herself, and when she raised her arm, the stick raised with it, levitating in the air at the same level as her hand. She gasped loudly, the grin she had earlier returning to her face.

With a flick of her hand, the stick flew across the old street until it hit the brick wall of an old building. Next she tried a rock, picking it up and throwing it without touching it. Then bigger rocks, then bricks.

Soon, Daija didn't even need to use her hand anymore. She figured out that the trick was staying calm and making sure that nothing else was distracting her mind. "Time for something better," She muttered, and she looked at one of the rundown buildings. She closed her eyes and focused. Everything was quiet, save for the faint sound of her breathing.

When she heard the groaning of the metal, she didn't move. When she felt the dull pressure in her head, she didn't move. Finally, the building collapsed with a loud crash. That was when she moved. Once the dust cleared, she stepped closer to observe her work, doing her best to avoid bigger pieces of debris.

"Holy shit." She breathed out, and then she started to laugh. Truly laugh. She laughed so hard and so loud that it felt unnatural. She spent the next half hour using her powers to bring down buildings, including the biggest ones.

She panted from the exertion, the dull pressure in her head becoming a painful throb. She needed sleep and she needed it now. The walk back to her car was long and exhausting, but she made it.

The last thing she remembered was locking her car door and reclining the drivers' seat all the way back so she could rest. She promised herself that she would only sleep for an hour before heading back to her apartment. She was asleep the moment her eyelids closed.

A faint pounding on the window mixed with muffled shouting woke her up later. Someone -- a woman -- was calling her name. She sounded angry. Was it her mom? The thought alone made her heart pound with fresh fear.

Despite the fact that her entire body was hurting and her head felt like it was on the verge of exploding, Daija opened her eyes.

Not her mother, but Aniya. The shape-shifting heroine with silky blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She had found her. Fuck, how long had she been sleeping?

"Daija, open the door now!" She shouted angrily.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't because her limbs felt too heavy. Her eyelids shut, and she was asleep again. 

Chosen One Gone Wrong (Villains & Monsters #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن