Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hey babes, this chapter is a lot shorter today. I have a massive headache lmfao. Hope you guys are doing good! Love you -Rae

Daija was relieved that she had the day off of work today. When she woke up, she saw that it was close to eleven. It was easily the most she's slept in a while.

She got home at almost two in the morning, stripped off her suit and did some more writing in her journal before she eventually fell asleep. Luckily, she wasn't too drained from using her powers. Rolling over in bed, her hands naturally reached for her journal and her pen, and she reread her last entry like she usually did.

It's getting harder to walk away.

There's these moments where something within me screams to turn around each time I leave. "Go back for one more dirty joke, one more touch, one more kiss. Live in the moment for just a little while longer." I think it's because I know that once there's nothing left of the heroes, he'll move on to bigger and more villainous things.

He tells me to take what I want, but what if what I want is more time?

More time with him.

A loud sigh escaped her. She barely remembered writing this. She muttered to herself that she really needed to stop writing so late at night when she was beyond tired.

She carefully took the page out of her journal, but instead of crumpling it up and throwing it in the garbage, she folded it up and put it in her drawer, deciding that she'll probably add on to it later.

Her phone chimed with a calendar notification. Her stomach dropped a bit. May 24th. Her Dad's birthday. He would have been forty-two today. Now she was really happy that she didn't work today.

Memories of her father filled her brain. He always gave the best advice, always knew how to cheer her up, always listened to her when she needed to talk, and always filled her with hope.

That hope shattered when the robbers broke in when she was fourteen. It was three in the morning when it happened, and he hid her and her mother in the linen closet near her bedroom after calling the police. She hoped that someone would come and save them, prayed for it, even mentally begged for it. She heard yelling downstairs, and she bit back a scream when she heard the gunshots. When she heard the robbers leave their house, the tears wouldn't stop because she knew he was dead.

The police showed up really late. The heroes didn't show up at all.

Daija stood up and started getting dressed. After she brushed her teeth and washed her face, she threw on some grey leggings, a simple black t-shirt and her jacket. She found Violet in the kitchen sipping some coffee while she talked on the phone.

"Yes, I'm quitting. Mhm. Effective immediately. No, I don't need anything else from you. Have a good weekend." She hung up the phone, grinning mischievously when Daija shot her a look, "What? At least some notice was better than no notice."

"Ridiculous," She laughed as she grabbed her car keys. "Doing anything today? I'm off of work."

She shook her head. "Nope. All free."

"After I'm done with a few errands, wanna go to Aunt Celia's house?"

"You know I do. Let me know when you're done," Her smile faded a bit as she asked, "Do you want me to go with you today?"

Daija shook her head. "No, it's okay. I got it. I'll pick you up later, alright?"



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