Chapter Sixty-Six

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Let's stir the pot, shall we? Muah! <3 -Rae

The next week was pure bliss for Daija.

She learned that the public was still worried about her powers after what happened in the warehouse. The heroes were working hard to keep them calm, but concerns were definitely voiced. They had given her a name. Frost. She groaned loudly as Simon laughed his ass off.

Her and Jamie talked in-between their schedules. He apologized for what he said, and they moved past it, and Daija wanted to ask about what was happening with Justin, but she didn't. Lately, her danger sense had been alerting her in faint, dull pulses, like the first time he was mentioned. This time, she was feeling it every day. Every time they talked, she told him to be careful.

Sierra was helping her come up with ways to break down the entire story to Violet. The more they talked and came up with different methods, the less nervous she felt. When it was time to tell her, she wouldn't lock up, and she wouldn't hesitate. Also, she had been taking her shopping and to the spa at any chance she got. Most times, Adrienne tagged along.

Most of her excitement came whenever it was time to train. Her heart always skipped a beat in excitement whenever she used her ice and her telekinesis. It was incredible not having to hold it back. Simon and Austin were teaching her more fighting tactics, how to use knives, and even how to escape a depowering collar if she was in one.

Adrienne taught her a bit more about flirting, and some of the basics of being a spy. She was looking forward to those future missions that she talked about with her not too long ago. Once a day, her and Tony talked about books. She kept recommending murder mystery, and his romance recommendations were endless. She was running out of space to put books in her room at Simon's house.

In between training whenever she was at base, she spent a lot of time with Luca and Wylan. Luca was thrilled to see that she was writing less, and when he wasn't busy, he taught her more about tarot, crystals and astrology. She told herself that she would research it much more when she was home. Wylan always had something to talk about, new recipes he showed her, and they often played with his puppy together.

She learned a lot during her second week, but the most valuable and precious moments all happened whenever she was with her boyfriend. Daija was falling more in love with Simon with every kiss, every caress, every conversation, every laugh and every minute of each day. And from the looks of it, he was falling more in love with her too.

The only thing that was more beautiful than hearing a genuine, "You're safe." was hearing a genuine, "I love you."

I love you, he told her when they went back to the flower gardens and walked hand-in-hand. I love you, he said in between laughs as they played stupid games with the rest of the friend group. I love you, he whispered against her skin at three in the morning, when nothing else mattered but each other.

I love you, he muttered to her right as she was falling asleep, and the phrase followed her all the way into her dreams.


"Stay another week," Simon said as he held her close. It was her last night there, and tomorrow in the early morning, she would be back in her own neighborhood, and then she would be at work in the afternoon after she had a nap. Thankfully, she only had to work for a few hours and not a whole day.

She sighed. "I'd love to, but I have to go to work."

"Hear me out: Quit your job."

"Simon," she laughed as she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "If only it was that simple. I can't leave Violet with the rent. That would make me a shitty friend and roommate-- Hey, no pouting."

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