Chapter 81 - Chapter 90

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Chu Yi and Bai Tao didn't look forward to the gambling house to begin with, so they didn't feel disappointed.

Jingmen Island...

Outside the 5 Star Jarvis Hotel, Jia Ruidao's face was full of excitement. His eyes were fixated toward the intersection in the distance. At his side, his Second Apprentice, Zhang Tiechun was also filled with anticipation. Their savior has come, finally! They knew very well that the honored guest they were waiting was their last line of hope.

"Master, Master Tang should be coming soon, right?"

Zhang Tiechun raised his wrist and looked at the watch as he said that.

Jia Ruidao said, "Yes! They should have arrived by now. Could it be there was something on the way?"

Zhang Tiechun's eyes squinted as he pointed to the street, "Master, it should be that car, right?"

Jia Ruidao looked toward the direction his Second Apprentice pointed. He was suddenly struck with excitement and spoke, "Yes, it's your Youngest's car. Let's meet up with them."

The car stopped.

Jia Ruidao sprinted to the car extended his hand to open the door.

"Brother Tang!"

At the first glance, Jia Ruidao saw Tang Xiu and then excitedly greeted.

However, his remark made his three disciples look at each other in dismay, with an ashamed expression on their faces. After all, even the youngest amongst them, Jia Yelei, was 5 or 6 years older than Tang Xiu. This remark, dropped their rank by one generation.

Tang Xiu nodded and said, "Eh, aren't you having a gambling bout? How come you're here?"

"I don't have much money and I have to keep some for you for tomorrow's gambling match. So I stopped midway and hurried back." Jia Ruidao spoke with a bitter expression.

Tang Xiu said, "Let's go! We'll have the talk inside."

Inside the presidential suite at the top floor, Tang Xiu and Jia Ruidao were sitting on the living room's sofa. And Jia Ruidao's three apprentices were standing behind him. Jia Yelei's eyes glanced over toward his father from time to time with anxiousness, fear, and other expressions.

"Brother Tang, I don't know what to say for this huge grace. You flew from thousands of miles away to help me. This gratitude will be carved inside my heart. If you need my assistance in the future, even if I have to pass through mountains of flames and millions of knives, I will neither cower nor will I ever back off!" Jia Ruidao spoke sincerely.

Tang Xiu said, "Tell me about the opponent."

Jia Ruidao immediately turned and nodded to the Second Apprentice, Zhang Tiechun. Shortly after, the information was handed to Tang Xiu. Whilst Tang Xiu was still reading the information, Jia Ruidao spoke, "Our opponent is called Chen Kai, a famous Young Master hedonist in this Jingmen Island. He spent a huge amount of money to invite Ye Taifu. Not only have my apprentices lost to them, but I also lost many times. Ye Taifu is one of the top 3 gambling Masters from Macao. He is also well-known as the Golden Finger, due to his cheating skill in gambling. I thought that even if he was better than me, the level wouldn't be far away, but... alas..!"

Whilst trimming the documents, Tang Xiu also listened to Jia Ruidao's story. After which, he finally knew the whole process of the story, as well as had a general knowledge about the opponent inside out.

"He's an expert that's hard to deal with."

Tang Xiu secretly sighed. He looked at Jia Ruidao and said, "I can help gamble on your behalf with them, but with conditions."

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