Chapter 4: The Supreme Art of Quintessential Space

Start from the beginning

"With the gods in the sky, and the demons on land, the universe had determined the gods and demons to be separated. If gods are holy beings, are demons the lowly ones? If demons are superior, are gods the inferior ones? The universe is always moving, strength and weakness are hard to separate, Yin and Yang will eventually meet. When both forces gather, fusion occurs and the form of good and evil will coexist as one. This is the Dao of yin and yang......" (TLN: Yin = Dark, Yang = Light)

A string of words that was difficult to understand abruptly spilled out from Tang Xiu's mouth which woke Su LingYun up who was resting beside his bed.

Initially, Su LingYun had thought that her son was having a nightmare due to the traumatising incident that happened in the afternoon and wanted to wake her son up. But when she saw the complexion of her son through the dimmed lights, she got rid of that thought.

Although Tang Xiu said a bunch of words that was incomprehensible, his facial expression displayed an unusual calmness and his two nice looking eyebrows were curved into a crescent-moon shape as if he was smiling lightly.

"Was my son reciting a classic?" Remembering that her son was going to be in the third grade of high school, Su LingYun felt relieved.

In the next moment, Su LingYun's eyes suddenly opened wide.

She was astonished by the sudden burst of radiance coming from the stars outside the window which later turned into tiny bits of starlight, passing through the window and projecting onto her son's pale face. The bits of starlight then silently assimilated into his body.

After a while, a faint layer of white mist was slowly produced and lingered around her son's body which seem like a fantasy-like illusion in the dark night.

Seeing that her son's pale complexion slowly turning rosy and a layer of holy light covering his forehead, Su LingYun unhurriedly reached out to that white mist with her hands, wanting to confirm that she was not hallucinating.

However the moment she touched the white mist, all of it disappeared into thin air.

"It seems that today's incident must have given me a huge shock for me to be hallucinating." Su LingYun smiled bitterly as she helped Tang Xiu lay his blanket properly before lying down to rest again.

What Su LingYun didn't notice was that with the disappearance of the white mist, Tang Xiu's eyelashes quivered lightly for a brief moment.

"The Supreme Art of Quintessential Space, I actually managed to successfully cultivate the Supreme Art of Quintessential Space?" Tang Xiu had a face filled with disbelief as he laid on bed silently feeling astonished after checking his own body condition.

The Supreme Art of Quintessential Space was a mysterious cultivation technique unintentionally recovered by Tang Xiu at an ancient remnant of the gods and demons, and this cultivation technique was passed down from the Ancient era.

It was said that during the Ancient era when heavenly energy was not formed yet, the world was filled with formless energy. The human race were like ants while the world was dominated by the god and demon race where their martial skills could move mountains and drain the seas.

The ancestors of the god race had extremely powerful insights, thus their cultivation technique were mostly on cultivating the mind. On the other hand the ancestors of the demon race had extremely powerful physique, thus their cultivation technique were mostly on cultivating the body. Although the cultivation technique of both the gods and demons were extremely powerful, but it clashes with each other mutually, making it impossible to cultivate both technique at the same time.

It was also because of the god and demon's overly powerful cultivation technique that caused the extinction of both race, leaving behind only traces of the battlefield and fragments of secret techniques.

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