82. Not Worthy

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Steve had me sitting on a couch, wearing his brown leather jacket and chugging on water for the rest of the night. The Asgardian liquor hit me hard and it peaked when I couldn't even form sentences together. By the time the party was basically over most of the guests had left and I was still drunk, but sober enough to function. It's safe to say I blacked out for the majority of the night.

We were still having fun though. The entire team plus Rhodey, Helen Cho, and Maria were still here and decided to join me once the atmosphere began to die down. The seven of us conversed for hours whilst Dr. Cho was passed out on one of the couches and Bruce and Natasha flirted on a couch of their own.

Steve had an arm around me as I sipped on maybe my eighth glass of water of the night. It wasn't fun watching everyone else sip bottles of beer while I was left to fester in the consequences of my own actions.

"You feeling better?" He asked softly, underneath everyone else's loud drunken voices.

"I think so," I replied still sluggish but coherent. "Thanks for looking out for me."

"I'd be an idiot if I didn't," he smiled.

"Did I ruin tonight for you? I can't even remember anything that happened after Nat and Bruce," I struggled to recall.

"No, you didn't ruin it. You actually gave me an excuse to spend the whole night with you," he answered genuinely. "And let's not forget that technically the night is not over."

"Where would I be right now if it wasn't for you?" I asked cupping my hand around his jaw.

"Probably with your head in a trash can," he joked making us both laugh.

"Shut up," I whispered before I leaned in to kiss him. I was however disrupted when Clint yelled at the top of his voice in a weird accent:

"'Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!' Whatever man! It's a trick." He mocked Thor, gesturing towards Mjølnir sitting on the table in front of us.

Steve and I were so close to exposing ourselves in front of the rest of the group. We were way too caught up in the moment that we forgot there were people around us. Luckily no one seemed to have noticed our intimate moment so we were in the clear for now. Besides, it was much easier when Bruce and Nat were the center of attention.

"Well, be my guest," Thor pointed to the hammer, permitting Clint to try lifting it.

"Really?" Clint replied surprised that Thor allowed him to prove himself. Thor insisted and Barton jumped out of his seat and swayed over to the hammer placed on the table.

"Oh, this is gonna be beautiful," Rhodes remarked as Clint wrapped one fist around the hammer.

"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up," Tony teased, the innuendo making me and the rest of the group laugh.

He pulled once and instantly surrendered, holding his hands up, "I still don't know how you do it."

"Smell the silent judgment?" Tony asked.

Clint held his arm out to Tony, "Please, Stark, by all means."

I chuckled knowing this was going to be good, "Attaboy, Tony. Attaboy," I whooped as he took his place in front of the hammer.

Tony arrogantly unbuttoned his formal jacket and sashayed his way over to the hammer, "Never one to shrink from an honest challenge."

"It's physics," he insisted as looped his wrist through the band fixed on the tip of the handle. "Right, so, if I lift it... I can then rule Asgard?"

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