75. What I Need*

440 16 3

TW: smut

Steve Rogers carried you all the way back to his room. It was very different from yours. The walls were beige and a lot of the furniture was old-fashioned.

Tony made it that way on purpose, he thought Steve would feel more comfortable in an environment that was similar to the one he grew up in. After all, Tony was rich, he could buy a zoo and add it to the top of the Tower if he felt like it.

You and Steve had met up once in a while over the last few months and all you had done was kiss, but never in public, which meant whenever you were with Sam you kept the PDA on the down low.

Steve was now the closest person to you out of all the Avengers. You trusted him the most and felt the most comfortable with him. Even more than Tony at this point, but that was bound to happen since he liked to focus all of his undivided attention on his girlfriend which you couldn't fault him for.

You knew almost everything about Steve. The only thing you didn't know was what he looked like underneath all of his clothing. You were hoping you'd soon find out.

He flopped you onto the already opened-out bed, so your back hit the mattress and your body sunk into the soft material. You couldn't wait until tomorrow night when you could actually enjoy the comfort of your own new bed.

Steve followed you onto the bed and pulled the duvet up so that both of your shoulders were covered. You lay down facing him as he faced you. The lights were off but small lamps on either side of the headboard created a dim light you could see each other in.

Steve smiled and cupped your cheek in his big hand, before opening his mouth to speak. "Why do you want to keep this a secret?" He asked, caressing your cheekbone with his thumb.

"I feel like outside interference will ruin what we have, I don't want to risk that," you replied honestly.

As much as they helped a lot, Tony and Rhodey's preconceived opinions about Lewis ultimately ruined what potential the two do you could've had. In the end, you still wouldn't have lasted forever, but you couldn't help but think that maybe you would have lasted longer.

"What is it that we have?" The blond asked looking deep into your dark eyes.

You took a minute to ponder before answering his question. "Potential. We have the potential to...be together officially." You stumbled not really thinking too far into the future.

"You mean like a couple that doesn't have to sneak around just to get a few kisses in?" He said smartly.

"First time we've been in a situation where we've had to sneak around, and you haven't kissed me yet," you reminded him.

Steve didn't wait for more than a second to pull you in for one. He planted a soft chaste kiss on your full lips, holding himself there before pulling away slowly.

You glared at him, expecting more from him. This was really the first time you two had gotten the chance to be intimate and it just annoyed you that he wasn't taking full advantage of it.

"What? You wanted more?" He asked, noticing that you seemed unsatisfied.

"It's not about what I want, Captain," you said, as you scooted closer to him and began to straddle him. "It's about what I need."

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