42. Good Old-fashioned Revenge

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"True story about fortune cookies. They look Chinese, they sound Chinese, but they're actually an American invention. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth. My disciples just destroyed another cheap American knock-off, The Chinese Theater."

Another Mandarin broadcast was being shown on the television in Happy's hospital room.

Footage from the explosion was shown on the screen making me feel extremely uncomfortable, after everything that's happened the past couple of years last light was one of the scariest situations I had been in.

The odds were stacked heavily against both Happy and me as Savin seemed to be unbeatable. The fact that he could even walk away from the explosion without a single limp was what concerned me the most.

Tony was sat beside me. As soon as I was done calling the emergency services I rang Tony, who arrived in no time at all. He was close with Happy and obviously concerned once I'd explained what happened.

"Mr. President, I know this must be getting frustrating, but this season of terror is drawing to a close. And don't worry, the big one is coming; your graduation." The Mandarin finished.

Once the broadcast was complete I turned to look over at Happy. His body lay concerningly still as his mouth was filled with tubes. The doctors resorted to putting him in a coma until he was fit enough to breathe on his own.

I turned over to my left to see Tony napping in his chair. We'd been here all night and not had a single bite to eat, but I was feeling too anxious, and if I did eat, it wouldn't stay down anyway.

I reached out and places my hand on top of his to comfort him. The gesture woke him up and startled him slightly.

"Is he up?" he asked, desperation apparent in his voice. I shook my head remorsefully, he was hoping for good news but at this rate, it wasn't coming anytime soon.

"What happened out there? If you don't mind me asking," Tony asked softly. He was aware the subject may still be raw for me, but I knew that so far I was the only survivor that could speak up about what happened.

I took a deep breath before reliving the night again, "There was this man. The same one Happy said was acting sketchy during that meeting-I think he goes by Savin," I started.

"He gave this briefcase filled with small canisters to this guy...and both of their faces were glowing red. And then Happy punched one of them and nothing happened...then he threw us around and then the explosion happened..." I babbled on.

Honestly, my memory was kind of skewed. I didn't know how to explain it clear enough for him to understand. It was one of those situations you had to experience to comprehend.

"Did you say 'their faces were glowing red?'" Tony asked bleakly.

"Yes," I reiterated, "I mean glowing red. Not like blushing, but it was light they were heating up internally..." I tried to explain but I wasn't sure if he understood.

Tony scratched his chin thinking deeply.

"Maybe JARVIS can do something with this...?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out the dog tags that were left in the market after the explosion.

The owner's body was nowhere to be found, so I assumed he walked off before Savin did.

"Jack Taggert was his name. The guy that started burning up and glowing. He's the one we stole the canisters from. Do you think you could find out what's going on?"

I took these from the scene hoping that maybe JARVIS could use his name to find some valuable information about what the canisters were for or maybe even lead us to the Mandarin himself.

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