60. Compromised

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I had never been to Steve's apartment building before. I didn't even know where it was. I just knew the address because of the birthday card Steve sent me just after New York almost two years ago.

Surprisingly, the drive wasn't too far away from my apartment, which was weird because I never saw Steve out in the streets unless we were on a mission together.

The city was now dark. The winter evening meant the sky got darker much earlier. It was almost 7 o'clock at night though which meant I was really hungry. I stopped over at Thai takeout to order some pad Thai noodles and green curry. I figured Steve and I would be able to share some once I stopped over at his apartment.

I also theorized that if I bought food he would be less likely to turn me away.

I parked my car beside his motorcycle and got made my way up the stairs slowly. Once I'd gotten halfway up I did hear Steve's voice along with the voice of another female. I thought the voice was familiar but I could figure out where I'd heard it from.

"Hey, if you want...if you want, you're welcome to use my machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement," Steve offered.

"Oh, yeah? What's it cost?" I heard the female say.

"A cup of coffee?" He said. Were they flirting? I thought.

I ran up the last few steps to butt in and kill the conversation, "Hey, Steve. I brought dinner!" I called out as I waltzed over towards them.

Steve looked over at me, confusion was written on his face. The girl he was speaking to faced me, holding a laundry basket in her hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked, pointing at the woman.

"I'm Kate," she introduced herself, smiling tightly.

"No last name?" I asked before Steve cut in.

"What are you doing here? And how did you find my address?" Steve interrogated me. He seemed bothered by my unauthorized appearance, or maybe by the fact I cock-blocked him.

"On the birthday letter, you sent to me years back. Remember?" I reminded him, "I need to tell you something. Important," I emphasized.

"I don't wanna hear it if it's just gonna be more lies," Steve retorted.

"Don't be like that," I frowned, "I can't eat all this Thai food myself," I mentioned, holding up the bag. "I know you wanna cross something off your list."

"Fine," Steve said reluctantly, allowing me to sit down with him and talk.

Kate decided to remove herself from the situation completely, "Well I guess I better head off," she turned to make her way down the staircase, "Oh and I think you left your stereo on."

"Oh. Right, thank you," he said, looking suspiciously at his door.

I brought my ear closer to the door to hear the long, depressing sound of trumpets over a classical orchestra. Either that or it could be seen as a slow, romantic tune to sway to.

"I literally gave you a whole list of artists and this is the crap you listen to?" I remarked but Steve didn't laugh. Instead, he insisted, "I never left the stereo on."

I extended my hand out to open the front door when Steve stopped me, hinting that we climb in through the window instead.

I got my air-blade out for protection and climbed in first in case we were attacked. Steve kept his shield in the apartment, by the bookshelf in the center so I grabbed it and quietly passed it back to him.

We snuck around silently. I had my back against the wall before Steve held his arm out to stop me from advancing forward. He nodded telling me he would go first. He peered his head around his body all tensed up.

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