62. Round Three

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Dialogue in '«»' quotation marks is translated from Russian!

Steve and I had both suited up upon arriving at the Triskelion. We were escorted by Rumlow and the rest of STRIKE and bought up to Alexander Pierce's office.

We caught Pierce himself talking to Kate outside his room, "For what it's worth you did your best," he said to her.

"Thank you, sir," she says. She then catches sight of the two of us, but only addresses Steve, "Captain Rogers."

Steve was still salty about being lied to and replied as he walked straight past her, "Neighbor."

"Ah, Captain. I'm Alexander Pierce," he introduced himself.

"Sir it's an honor," Steve says as the two shake hands.

"And you, Sergeant," he reaches his arm out to me.

"We've met before Mr. Secretary," I reminded him, referring to the time he tried to take the Tesseract off us after New York.

"Ah, yes I remember," He recalled, "I'd like to speak to you both individually if that's alright?"

"Yeah sure," I nodded whilst giving Steve eye contact. "I'll go first."

Pierce and I walked in leaving Rogers outside the office. "The last time we met I got a bit of a frosty reception from your friends."

I nodded, "Yeah. The controversial Tesseract. We made the right call, though. We haven't heard from it or had any alien invasions since it was taken back to Asgard."

I walk further into the office and spotted a picture in the corner of the room. Pierce was standing by two people—a male and female—wearing lab coats. I stepped a little closer to get a better look at the photograph. "My parents..." I muttered, but Pierce heard me.

"Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N? Yeah, I worked with them back in the late eighties and early nineties. They were so intelligent. Helped with a lot and did a lot for S.H.I.E.L.D. I knew you looked familiar the first time I saw you."

"What did they do?" I asked.

"You don't know?" He asked sounding rather surprised.

I scoffed, "They never told me anything."

"You knew they were scientists, yes?" I nodded. "Your mother, Cyndi, was a psychiatrist and your father, Blane, a neuroscientist. They were one of the smartest people I'd ever come into contact with. Almost—if not—as smart as Howard Stark. Astronomically underrated if you ask me, but they preferred it that way. Being away from the spotlight."

"You make them sound like martyrs," I retorted.

"Oh, they were. They helped a lot by researching how the mind can be controlled. Causation and prevention, that sort of thing. They could almost see into the future. Cyndi was excellent at that," he praised them.

"Why would S.H.I.E.L.D. need to know about mind control?" I questioned.

"It was more of a precautionary thing. If we knew how to stop the enemy before he strikes, there will never have to be another fight. The world would be a safer place... How are they anyway?" He asked.

I chuckled dryly, "I haven't seen or spoken to them in almost fourteen years."

"And yet the family name has come full circle. Back to me and back to S.H.I.E.L.D." Pierce noticed. He walked over to me and handed me a picture of him with Nick Fury.

"That photo was taken five years after Nick and I met. When I was at State Department in Bogota. He saved my daughter's life that day. I made him Director and I've never had any cause to regret it..." he paused before beginning the interrogation.

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