33. Shawarma

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The Avengers reunited back in Stark Tower where they found Loki, dragging himself across the floor. They stood around him looking pissed, of course, Hawkeye with an arrow aimed right and Loki's head.

Loki took a few seconds to catch his breath before saying, "If it's all the same to you. I'll have that drink now."

Tony was the first to break form, "All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up."

"So who gets the scepter?" You ask looking at it in Natasha's hands.

"STRIKE team's coming to secure it," Tony reveals.

STRIKE team arrives, entering the room through the elevator as the doors open. Brock Rumlow, one of the STRIKE agents comes through with a long briefcase as Jason Sitwell approached Natasha and takes the scepter from her hands.

"We can take that off your hands," Sitwell said putting it in the now open briefcase.

"By all means," Natasha said, relieved the thing was no longer in her possession.

"Careful with it though," you warned them, arms folded over your chest as you watched them take the case away.

"Unless you want your mind erased," Clint added offering both you and Nat a strong glass of whiskey from Tony's bar, "And not in a fun way."

You felt you deserved a drink after the mess you've had to deal with the past 3 days. Steve walked passed talking through the comms, "On my way down to coordinate search and rescue."

Loki then shape-shifted into Captain America himself and began mocking him, "'On my way down to coordinate search and rescue!' I mean, honestly! How do you think you'll be—"

Loki was cut off by Thor attaching a device on his mouth to keep him from talking, "Shut up," he ordered.

The group walked over to the elevator to take the scepter and the briefcase containing the Tesseract down to the bottoms floor. Tony sat on the briefcase as Hulk approached the elevator expecting to be allowed in.

"Whoa!" Thor shouted, holding his hand out to stop Hulk in his tracks.
"Hey, hey! Maximum occupancy has been reached!"

"Take the stairs," Thor suggested, but Hulk wasn't happy. He huffed, punching the elevator door once it was shut, and turned around to walk over to the stairs.
"'Take the stairs!' Hate the stairs!" He complained as he proceeded to take the stairs.

Tony, Thor, Loki, and I arrived at the lobby making our way over to the shawarma restaurant across the street.

"Do shawarmas have different flavors? Like, do they have chicken shawarmas? I think chicken shawarma sounds good..." I rambled on as we made our way through the Stark Industries lobby.

As we continued down the corridor, we were approached by a group of men in expensive-looking tuxedoes who stopped us in our tracks.

"May I ask you where you're going?" One of the men, known as Alexander Pierce, asked as he put his hand out.

Thor answered back quite rudely, "To lunch and then Asgard. I'm sorry who are you?"

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