30. Try To Think!

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I took a deep breath. The impact from the fall had knocked the wind out of me, and my breaths were deep and heavy. I landed back first and found myself looking up at the lights above me. They danced around floating in and out from one another. I predicted that I had a slight concussion that was causing me to see double.

"Y/N?" I heard a soft whisper from beside me. I twisted my head to the side and saw Natasha laying on her stomach.

"Hey, Nat, you good?" I grumbled, the pain from the fall finally starting to kick in. She shook her head as I soon discovered that her foot was trapped underneath a pipe that had fallen from the explosion.

"We're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay," I reassured offering her a smile, but it soon faded when I heard grunting and slamming upon the grated floor we were laying on.

It was Bruce who was gripping the floor to try and contain himself from turning. I could tell he was in agony trying his hardest but I didn't think he'd be able to hold it in any longer.

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath, my breathing starting to quicken again. I needed to rescue Natasha before Bruce was no more and the Hulk was the one in our presence.

"Talk to him, please," I ordered Nat, desperation in my voice. I needed to buy just a little bit of time to free her so we could escape before Bruce switched. I hoped she'd be able to calm him down better than I could.

I slithered across the grated flooring over to the pipe on top of Natasha's ankle as she cooed at Banner, "Doct...Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants..."

I began figuring out a way to get Natasha's foot out from under the piping. As I did I quickly checked to see how Banner was doing. His eyes had turned green and he was sweating profusely, I didn't take that as a good sign.

I caught glimpse of two S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers running towards us, I quickly shooed them away using my hands as I didn't want to trigger the Hulk or disrupt Nat's lullaby.

"...We're gonna be okay. Listen to me," she started to beg and Bruce punched the flooring trying to contain the Hulk.

I began pulling the pipe off Natasha's leg, but Banner didn't seem to be able to fight the Hulk like he hoped he could. I felt I had no choice but to say something, "Don't do this. Don't give Loki what he wants. The scepter, the arguing, it was all him. He's winning, Bruce, and we can't let him win again."

My speech didn't work and Banner's back began to arch upward as his body began to morph.

"We're gonna be okay. Right?" Natasha took over once again, "I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never—"

"Your life?!" He growls as his face begins to change color. He got up onto his knees and looked up at the sky, beginning to transform. He crawled away on his hands and knees, Bruce's desperate attempt to save us before the Hulk forgot who we were.

His purple shirt then started to rip as he gained muscle and torn his way out of it. The creature turned to look at us both one last time, "Bruce?" Natasha pleaded, but it was no longer Bruce, it was the Hulk.

He got up and ran over to the other side of the engine, punching one of the pipes and setting off a huge roar that could possibly be heard from Loki's cell. If Loki was waiting for confirmation that his plan worked, he got it.

My adrenaline kicked in as I was finally able to free Natasha's foot from under the pipe. We both got up quickly and made a dash for the exit before Hulk could even spot us. However, we were a little too late as he sensed our movements like a primitive animal.

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