49. Merry Fucking Christmas!

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Washington, D.C.

Although I was extremely exhausted from the fight today, I decided it was best for me to fly home. Yes, I flew home on Christmas Day, but what other choice did I have.

Tony and Pepper were in a really good place and I really didn't want to be there to third-wheel and potentially ruin their Christmas together. I did however go over to the hospital to visit Happy who was now awake.

I filled him in on everything that happened while he was out, but I honestly don't believe he was even listening because Downtown Abbey was playing in the background.

The flight back to D.C. was actually amazing, though. Because me and the President were staying in the same state it only made sense that we travel together. Meaning I got to fly with the President.

I was extremely honored and he even offered to reward me for the efforts made to save him. I told him I'd think about it as I was not in the mood for any extra press. Besides, as soon as I arrived home I was needed at the Triskelion the next day.

The only thing that annoyed me about that journey was the fact that he kept bringing up political ventures and asking me for advice on new policies he may put in place regarding the whole Mandarin situation. I had to politely tell him I didn't want to have any influence on the government's decision making.

I feared I would be used as a scapegoat if the people of America weren't happy, plus I didn't want to be dipping into more government organizations when I already had S.H.I.E.L.D. business to take care of.

Whilst on the flight I did think about ways I could help Tony. I know he was struggling internally and he didn't want to put the stress on Pepper. He suggested that he could talk to me, but I shut that idea down saying it would be disrespectful to his girlfriend. Plus I'd like to keep our friendship light-hearted and fun. Me, Tony and emotions don't mix well...and his birthday party proved that.

I realized that I have Sam who I dump all my problems onto, so I figured that I knew exactly who Tony could confide in when times got tough for him:

"Hello?" I said, my phone raised to my ear as the person I had called has answered the phone.

"Uh, Y/N. Hi? Has something happened—?"

"Bruce, chill!" I cooed, "Nothing's wrong. Am I not allowed to call you?"

"I... I just didn't think you would call me if there wasn't a mission...and you know...you needed the big guy," Bruce explained. It upset me that Bruce felt as though we only cared about the Hulk.

"Are you for real right now?" I strained, "I just need you as a friend. Bruce, that is. Not the Hulk."

"Is there a catch to this?" He asked cynically.

I sighed quietly, "Yes. There sorta is. But it's for Tony. He needs help. He's been struggling a lot since New York and he needs someone to confide in."

"And you can't do it yourself because...?"

"I have a lot of stuff going on myself. And I don't really want to be dealing with Tony's issues on top of that," I said truthfully.

"I do have seven PhD's," Banner started, "But counseling isn't one of them. I'm not that kind of doctor, Y/N."

"It's not counseling. It's more like being a listening, caring friend," I explained, trying to make the job sound more appealing. Bruce, however, did not respond. "Please, Bruce. It's for Tony."

There was silence once again. I chewed at my thumbnail waiting for a response from Bruce. He was the closest person from the Avengers who could help Tony. I knew they bonded well during the Loki scandal and I knew he would be a much better help than me.

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