23. Recommended

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Tony and I were sat in an office waiting for the Director to arrive. A file labeled, Avengers Initiative Preliminary Report was sat on a desk in front of us. We both eyed each other, both telling the other to take a look at the files quickly before the Director returned. It wasn't long before Tony reached over to take a peek.

A hand slammed the folder down on the desk before Tony could even look inside it, "I don't think that I want you looking at that," Director Nick Fury stated, "I don't think it pertains to you anymore."

He pulled the file back towards his body and instead handed Tony another file, "Now this, on the other hand, is Agent Romanoff's assessment of you. Read it."

Tony receives the file and opens up the pages. He begins reading the report Natasha made on him:

"'Personality overview. Mr. Stark displays compulsive behavior.' In my own defense, that was last week. 'Prone to self-destructive tendencies.' I was dying. I mean, please. Aren't we all? 'Textbook narcissism'? Agreed. Okay, here it is. 'Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes.' I gotta think about it."

Fury didn't seem to find any of Tony's excuses acceptable or funny, his face straight the entire time, "Read on," he instructed Tony.

"'Tony Stark not...Not recommended'?" Tony said surprised and so was I. Mainly confused but also surprised. "How can you recommend him but also not recommend him?" I asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, I got a new ticker. I'm trying to do right by Pepper. I'm in a stable-ish relationship," Tony said, listing all the reasons he should be considered. I believed that Tony was in the right headspace now and he was very much a good pick to join this so-called initiative.

Fury got up from his chair and walked around to sit on our side of the desk right next to Tony, "Which leads us to believe at this juncture we'd only like to use you as a consultant."

Fury then got up and walked over to stand above me, "Miss L/N," he addressed me making me kind of nervous. Fury had this presence about him that sort of intimidated me, and I don't get intimidated easily. "Fury," I said acknowledging him.

"Although initially you were never considered, Romanoff wrote an assessment about you," he said handing me a different file.

I took and opened it out reading the first page, "'Y/N L/N displays the ability to both give and take orders efficiently. Very advanced both mentally and physically. Military trained which would be a great asset to the team. Exceptional knife and combat skills. Recommended for Avengers Initiative...in place of Tony Stark'? What?!"

"Agent Romanoff saw something in you, Y/N," Fury said holding his hand out for me to shake, "Are you up for it?"

I didn't hesitate to grab his hand and shake it, "Yes, Director Fury, thank you!" I exclaimed not being able to rub the smile off my face.

Tony on the other hand, slowly got up out of his seat to stand up, "A consultant?" He repeated, "You can't afford me." At that, he got up and began to walk away before a light bulb clicked in his head and swiveled back around, "Then again, I will waive my customary retainer in exchange for a small favor. Rhodey and I are being honored in Washington and we need a presenter."

Fury thought for a second before he nodded, "I'll see what I can do."

- - - - - - - - - -

Washington D.C.

Rhodey and Tony were being rewarded with honors today and of course Tony asked Fury to get Senator Stern to present them. Fury had offered Tony a role being a consultant for the Avenger Initiative as Natasha Romanoff determined he wasn't fit for the role. I, on the other hand, was accepted and I still could not believe it.

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