7. Eyes On The Target

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"Oh my God, Tony, you showed up!" I said surprised that he was here. "What are you doing here?" Pepper added, she seemed just as shocked as I was.

He strutted over as he said, "Just avoiding government agents."

"You mean Agent Paulson?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's Coulson. From that organization with the terrible name, yeah him." He replied.

"Are you by yourself?" Pepper asked him.

He looked her up and down with a smirk on his face, he was definitely checking her out. "Yes. Where'd you get that dress?"

"It was a birthday present. From you, actually." She revealed and looked between both me and Tony with her eyebrow raised slightly. Tony then noticed that I was wearing the same dress. I turned to Pepper wanting to clear up the confusion, "Oh, mine wasn't from Tony, I bought it online a while back."

Tony exhaled as if he had been holding his breath this whole conversation. "Well me—and Y/N—have great taste."

He took another deep breath and straightened out his suit, "You want to dance?" He asked Pepper. I couldn't help that smile so wide because I knew deep down that Tony liked her.

"Oh no—" Pepper started refusing but I pushed towards Tony and cut her off, "She'd love to!"

"Alright, come on," Tony said grabbing her hand and walking her off onto the dance floor. She turned around and gave me an awkward smile. "Enjoy yourself!" I mouthed to her as she was scooped up into Tony's arms and swayed to the music.

I watched them as they danced and talked, I couldn't tell where the conversation was going but I hoped they were finally confessing their feelings for one another.

They danced for a total of about 45 seconds before they walked off to the roof. As they walked past me on the way there I grabbed Pepper's arm, "Where are you going?" I quickly asked her, "To get some air," she said stoically.

"Kiss him," I mouthed to her as I let go of her arm and allowed her to leave with Tony. Once again I was left alone. I looked around for someone to maybe speak to.

I turned to face the bar and Coulson was stood there; what else was there to talk about with him except helping him choose a new name for his government organization?

Maybe that would be a conversation worthwhile, so I started making my over when I caught at the corner of my eye Obadiah Stane talking to Christine, the woman from Vanity Fair Tony met in Vegas. That's when I remembered what I came here for. Information.

I rushed over behind them but I was too late, they were done and Obadiah was walking out. Christine, however, noticed me and somehow remembered me from that night. "Y/N, right?" She asked.

"Yes, it is, hi!" I said as if we were friends. I had to admit she looked really good in her black dress, of course making me feel self-conscious. "How's Tony?" She asked me. Once again, I'm the messenger.

"Didn't you spend the night with him after Vegas?" I questioned. She looked me dead in the face before replying, "I did, did he tell you about it?" She asked back.

"No, I just know," I said, it came out quite harshly, but I didn't bother taking it back, "Did you not leave your number after, you know, you slept together?"

"That isn't important right now, I just wanted to know about Stark Industries' decision to stop weapon manufacturing and then continue to ship weapons to countries in the Middle East." She said, almost in an accusatory fashion.

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