80. He's Fast & She's Weird

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The Avengers and I were all on the aircraft making our way back to the Tower. Tony and Natasha were piloting the jet, while Steve, Thor, and I were watching over Clint who was splayed out on a gurney.

The injury he received was pretty bad. A huge chunk of the side of his torso was basically ripped off. He was doing good for saying a piece of him was missing.

"This injury isn't gonna affect your perfect aim is it?" I joked with him.

"I hope not," he replied as Natasha left the cockpit to go and sit with Banner who was by himself listening to music. It was a calming mechanism for him. Being the Hulk puts a strain on him mentally, and music helps him relax. The same way it does everyone.

"Thor, report on the Hulk?" Natasha called out from her position beside him.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims," Thor praised, thinking this was going to make Bruce feel any better.

Natasha glared at him whilst Bruce hung his head in shame. I sighed at Thor's horrible choice of words whilst Rogers chuckled beside me.

"Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course," Thor corrected himself once he'd read the room, "No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh...and gout."

I held my hand against his mouth the stop him from saying anything worse. "Thank you, Thor. I think Bruce has heard enough."

I removed my hand in case Thor wanted to say anything more. "I didn't know we still had to baby him."

My jaw dropped before I shushed him, "We're just making sure he isn't traumatized. Being the Hulk is very taxing. And we're all aware of its serious consequences."

"We're always gonna have to baby him," Steve chimed in.

"I heard that!" Bruce called out, making the three of us laugh sheepishly.

"Hey, Banner!" Tony addressed him from the cockpit, "Dr. Cho's on her way from Seoul, is it okay if she sets up in your lab?"

"Uh, yeah, she knows her way around," Bruce responded.

Steve, Thor, and I moved away from Clint and gathered around the Scepter. The fluorescent blue light flicked in the center of the staff. I'd always wanted to use it just to see how it worked.

"Is it bad that I really want to touch it? If I used it will I become enhanced too?" I openly asked as my fingers hovered over the alien object.

Thor grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from Loki's scepter. "I don't think that's a wise idea. You have no idea the kind of power we're dealing with here."

"So how was Strucker able to make normal people into weird mutants?" I queried. If I knew that was possible the chances are I would sign up too, regardless of whether it was HYDRA or not.

"Probably a lot of science that we wouldn't be able to understand," Steve suggested.

"Did somebody say 'science that we wouldn't be able to understand'?" Tony questioned as he joined the three of us by the Scepter. "Cause the chances are, I'll be able to understand it."

"We're just looking at the Scepter," I brushed off the intrusive thoughts running through my mind.

"Feels good, yeah? I mean we've been after this thing since S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties," Tony rambled.

"No, but this brings it to a close," Thor said, looking at the staff intensely.

"As soon as we find out what else it's been used for," Steve announced. "I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?"

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