47. Public Execution

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"If he's right about the location, we're 20 minutes from where Pepper is," Tony informed us, as the three of us were currently traveling on Trevor's speed boat to the coast he had told us about.

"But we also have to figure out this vice president thing, right?" Rhodes countered. Yes, we were trying to save Pepper, but Trevor had revealed that the Mandarin had also dragged the Vice President into the matter which made this whole thing much more complicated...and political.

"Right. I wonder who I'm calling right now," Stark boasted, "Oh! That's the vice president."

"Hello," The Vice President said once the line had connected.

"Sir, this is Tony Stark."

"Welcome back to the land of the living," the VP joked.

"We believe you're about to be drawn into the Mandarin campaign," Tony notified him, "We gotta get you somewhere safe as soon as possible."

"Mr Stark, I'm about to eat honey-roast ham, surrounded by the Agency's finest. The president's safe on Air Force One with Colonel Rhodes. I think we're good, here." He replied with unnecessary confidence.

Rhodes quickly snatched the phone from Tony's hand, "Sir, this is Colonel Rhodes. They're using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan horse. They're gonna take out the president somehow."

"We have to alert that plane immediately!" I added.

"Okay, I'm on it. I'll have security lock it down. If need be, they can have F-22s in the air in 30 seconds. Thank you, Colonel." He responded immediately.

"Rhodes, Stark, and Y/L/N out," Rhodes said before ending the call.

"We gotta make a decision. We can either save the president or Pepper. We can't do both." Rhodes alerted us.

"Jesus," I muttered to myself as I paced around the speed boat. I knew how much Tony loved Pepper but I also knew how important it was to keep the president out of harm's way. Whichever decision we made would have major consequences.

"Sir, I have an update from Malibu," JARVIS boomed from the Mark XLII, "The cranes have finally arrived, and the cellar doors are being cleared as we speak."

"And what about the suit I'm wearing?" Tony asked.

"The armor is now at 92 percent."

"That's gonna have to do," Tony decided before yanking out the wires he was using to recharge the suit.

Tony walked to the lower deck of the speed boat and sent his suit into the air. We planned on sending the suit alone and controlling it from the boat which was a safer move for him. Rhodes and I continued to sit in the cockpit.

"Lewis is gonna be so mad when he finds out about all of this," I mumbled to myself. Unfortunately, Rhodes caught wind of my statement.

"Pfff. Lewis," he scoffed.

"What?" I asked him, hearing his snidey remark.

"You're still with that low-life?" he insulted me.

"That's unnecessarily rude," I criticized him, "Yes, I get it. Lewis is lazy, often clingy, and sometimes manipulate, although it's rare...but..." I tried to think of a positive thing to outweigh the negatives but it was honestly more difficult than I thought it would be.

"But what?" Rhodes asked sternly, looking forward to the excuse I was going to come up with to defend him.

"He loves me...a lot," I finally blurted out. That was one thing I always knew. He was protective of me and cared about me so much and that is something I can't fault him for.

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