25. Pressurized Metal Container?

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Mojave, California

It's been three long months since the terrorist attack in Sudan, Rhodes and I had been trying to find out as much as we possibly could about the terrorist attacks and where they were getting their weapons from, but most importantly what their agendas were and where they were going next.

Most days amidst the last three months I had been gathering information about who the dealer could possibly be. Getting leads was hard and for most of it, I didn't even know where to start.

I tried to get a hold of weapon manufacturers in Asia, the Middle East, and the northern part of Africa as that was where the majority of attacks were taking place. However, I was not able to gather sufficient intel as they either said they don't know, hung up as soon as I mentioned the attacks, or didn't answer at all.

I had sleepless nights trying to stay up and find intel which annoyed Lewis a lot, the blue light from my laptop made it hard for him to sleep. He often encouraged me to take a break and cuddle up with him but I refused. Usually, I leave work to one side and spent time with him but now, my name was out there. Everyone was now counting on "Air Blade and the New Iron Man" to protect them from these attackers and those people were more important to me at the moment.

Just as I was about to give up hope, I received a lead about a bioterror attack scheduled to take place in Asia. It was also revealed to me that the organization behind it was the Ten Rings, the same organization that captured Tony Stark 3 years ago. I was quick to call Rhodes and who summoned me to the airbase immediately, where we would devise an appropriate plan.

The mission was to figure out who was dishing out the weapons and their overall motive behind it. We feared it was going to be something catastrophic that we needed to cut before it got too far. The easiest way for us to get information was for us to interrogate those leading the attack, hoping they would know more about the organization than the rest of the operatives.

The General, Major Allen, and the rest of the Airmen were gathered in the hangar ready to send me and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes off on the mission.

I was in my overalls ready to fly my aircraft over to Asia with Rhodes. He was already wearing the War Machine suit ready to take off. I climbed up into my F-15E Strike Eagle ready to put my helmet and goggles on.

"You know what we're doing, right?" he asked, making sure I was 100 percent confident in the plan we were going to execute. "We go to Hong Kong, find the operatives, and ask them what they know," I recited back to the Colonel. He nodded in approval and saluted up to me. The other airmen did the same.

I reached down into my pocket to pull out my phone which had one text from Lewis:

Lewis <3
Good luck, stay safe x

I smiled down at my phone and replied:

Don't do anything fun til I get back ;)

Before switching it off. I saluted the rest of my squadron as I pulled the top onto my aircraft and started the engine. Rhodes beside me took off first as I drove the aircraft out of the hangar and onto the take-off zone before flying away.

The flight was scheduled to take 2 and a half hours and the majority of the journey was spent on autopilot. However, less than 20 minutes into the flight I received an incoming call through the cockpit of my aircraft.

Alarmed by the sudden call I answered the ring, "Hello?"

"Miss L/N, it's Director Fury," the voice said which shocked me. I haven't heard from Fury in nearly 2 years, and I had almost forgotten about the recommendation to join the initiative, "You ever heard of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S?" he asked serious tone. I had to think long and hard about the answer. I had heard things but not in huge enough detail to understand it well.

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