77. Hidden In Plain Sight

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Washington, D.C.

Today was the day Steve, Sam and I decided we'd check out the Federal Savings Bank building in Washington. Steve had already told the other Avengers that the two of us were continuing the search for James Barnes.

Besides, Bruce and Tony were in the lab 24/7 doing god-knows what, Clint was always talking to girls or going to his classified S.H.I.E.L.D. location which I was beginning to believe didn't even exist. Natasha spent time with Clint and Bruce when he wasn't in the lab with Tony.

The two of them started to become really close with each other lately. Steve didn't believe it was possible so we made a bet that if Bruce and Natasha haven't kissed by the end of the year, I'll give him 80 dollars and if they do, vice versa.

Thor was just enjoying his time being away from Asgard. I imagine going back would be hard for him especially since it would remind him that his mother and brother are no longer around. As much as Loki was a pain in the ass I could tell Thor loved him with his whole heart. We were now the closest thing to family that he had.

To be honest, we all found family through being on the team. Without the Avengers we'd all be alone, and this team is something I can only be grateful for. But for some people there were others outside the team that they also cared for. One of those being Tony with Pepper.

That relationship was hard to constantly live around, mainly because Pepper didn't have the same shared experiences the rest of us did. She didn't understand how much pressure we're under everyday to trying to keep the world safe. All she wanted was for Tony to retire and give her his undying attention.

That was going to put a dent in the team's dynamic. In fact, it already has. People are starting to notice that we don't get along well. I know everyone is curious as to why, but that's something I don't feel comfortable sharing with the team, and by team I mean Steve.

I didn't want it to seem like I was just hopping from Avenger to Avenger, and even worse I didn't want to look like a cheater. The timing between Pepper and Tony getting together and the awkward on and off relationship I had with Lewis is too messy to explain and it will sound bad if I ever tried to dissect the situation.

Bucky was also another one of those outside factors that members of the team had to prioritize. Steve was close with Bucky and they cared for each other like brothers. He was never going to let him go after finding out he was being used as HYDRA's puppet for over 70 years.

He was determined to save him, and Sam and I were determined to help. We agreed to meet up in our regular clothes, I was just wearing a simple bomber jacket and jeans. I also carried my air-blade, while Sam had a pistol in hand as a safety precaution.

We parked up outside and exited Sam's car, making our way to the front door of the building.

"This is it," I say looking up at the Ideal Federal Savings Bank. The building was located in the corner of an intersection, somewhere no one could miss.

"Hidden in plan sight, huh?" Sam said.

"HYDRA weren't really ones to shy away from being seen. That was their thing," Steve explained.

I pulled the air-blade out of my pocket and made the first step towards the front door. We didn't even have to test the door to know it was locked, so I used my blade to break the lock, giving us access.

I walked in first, Sam behind me with his gun pointed and Steve behind Sam. The building looked deserted. I figured once HYDRA and the Winter Soldier were outed to the public they scrammed while they had the chance. And it was in a hurry by the looks of things.

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