69. It's Time You Know The Truth

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Thank you so much for 10k reads on my first ever story. I never thought we'd make it this far so it means a lot.
Please keep voting and commenting as it's really boosting this book and my motivation.
Love you all — captainxdee🦋

Once Captain Rogers had successfully stolen a new suit from the Smithsonian, he rejoined the group as we devised the plan to stop Project Insight.

Natasha would disguise herself as Councilwoman Hawley, using a photostatic veil that would replicate her face and voice. It was an easier way for us to get inside Pierce's office while the rest of us worked on the Helicarriers.

Sam, Maria, Steve, and I infiltrated the Triskelion's communications room. From there, Steve would reveal the news about HYDRA to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that were in the dark. Once they were notified, we would move on to switching the chips in each helicarrier.

I had one, while Sam and Steve had the others. It sounded easy, but we knew HYDRA would send the Winter Soldier to try and stop us, which would make the operation that much more difficult.

Once we'd entered the communications room, Steve took one of the mics that connected to the speakers of the Triskelion. Everyone could hear him as he spoke:

"Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me in the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building."

"They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA would be able to kill anyone standing in their way. Unless we stop them."

"I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

Sam and I stepped toward Steve once he'd finished his speech. "Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam asked, visibly impressed with his words.

I chuckled, "God I love his speeches."

We headed for the exit, all three of us running towards the roof. As we ran Sam asked, "Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad?"

"If they're shooting as you they're bad," Steve told him.

I rolled my eyes, "Great advice, Cap!" I panted as we reached the edge of the roof.

Steve jumped straight down, but I couldn't due to the fact it was way too high for a normal human being like me to land that fall. "Mind giving me a lift, Falcon?" I asked Sam.

"Sure thing, Air Blade," he said expanding his wings and grabbing onto my arms as he soared through the air.

It wasn't long before we were spotted by the HYDRA agents. They began to shoot at us from all different directions. The only way Sam could dodge them was by flipping around and doing loop de loops whilst I was dangling from his arms.

"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about!" Sam mentioned.

"You okay?" He doubled checked.

"Well, we're not dead yet," I told him.

Sam was lucky I was a pilot. If I wasn't I would've thrown up the breakfast he spent so long cooking this morning.

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