73. The Doctors' Daughter

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I drove back over to my apartment while Steve took his motorcycle back to his to get suited up. This was the first Avengers mission since the Battle of New York and it had honestly been so long since we'd seen the entire team together.

Yes, I always saw Steve, but I hadn't seen Natasha since D.C., Clint since my fight with Rumlow, Tony since the Mandarin, and Bruce and Thor since the Loki fiasco. It had been a while and I couldn't wait to meet them all again.

JARVIS was able to track my coordinates, making it easier for the Quinjet to find me. I waited outside until the jet lowered itself, the air blowing in my face as it hit the ground.

I climbed in and the first people I saw were Tony and Bruce.

"Long time no see," I said as I stepped closer to the two men.

"Sarge, how have you been?" Bruce smiled as he asked me.

"Well I've been kidnapped, went through a breakup, been shot through the arm, had my eyebrow slit open, and had my ankle crushed by a helicarrier but other than that I'm doing great!" I listed, taking a seat on the right-hand side of the jet.

Bruce winced, realizing I'd kind of had a rough few years, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I decided to leave out the Steve thing. No one else needed to know because it was still in the early stages, and as far as I was concerned, we were just messing around with each other. Or as I bravely stated before; "dating".

I adjusted in my seat, as the jet began to take off. I looked over towards the cockpit and saw Clint there. Although he also worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. he was rarely there.

"Barton, where the hell have you been?" I questioned, genuinely. I wanted to know.

He pulled at the steering wheel as he replied, "Classified location."

I rolled my eyes. "Clint I thought we were friends. You can tell me. I swear I won't tell anyone. Not even Tony," I said pointing over my shoulder with my thumb.

"My ears are burning. What did you say about me?" Tony asked. He must've seen my gesture.

Clint just chuckled and continued to push buttons on the dashboard. "Let me just repeat myself in case you didn't hear. I said classified. Fury wouldn't even let me tell you."

I scoffed, "He wouldn't let you tell his favorite Avenger?"

"Oh, Natasha? She already knows." Clint said nonchalantly as he fixed the headset onto his head.

I gasped quietly, "I meant me, Clinton."

Tony chuckled in the background. "You're Nick's favorite Avenger? The Nick Fury with the eyepatch, thinks you're the best out of all of us?"

"Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?" I shrugged.

"Uh, yeah! You've gotta be down there competing with Clint for least original. What have we got here, a knife and an arrow?" Tony mocked.

"Wow," I said. I knew some part of him was kidding but it still hurt. "Can I remind you who took your spot in the Avengers Initiative in the first place? Oh, right it was me." I said pointing at myself pretentiously.

Tony scoffed before taking a seat next to Bruce.

"Are you guys gonna keep fighting or...?" Bruce asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know." Getting up from my seat I went over to the cockpit and took a seat in the other pilot's chair. I was already pissed at Tony because of Pepper so I didn't want to be around him.

Clint landed the jet behind Steve's apartment block and the blonde entered the jet via the ramp. He greeted everyone back there, but the reception was frosty.

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