76. Over Breakfast...?

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I woke up, forgetting where I was for the first few seconds. Opening my eyes all I could see was a man's bare chest in front of me. Steve Rogers. Then it all came back to me what happened last night.

It was really supposed to be a gift from me to him, the table turned quickly and he surprised the shit out of me. Am I complaining? Hell, no.

He had his arm tightly wrapped around my waist giving me almost no space to move. His face was right above mine. Cheekbones were prominent as his mouth was open slightly and he snored quietly. How does he look so fine in the morning?!

It took a long time for me to remember that I shouldn't even be in his room right now. No one else knows about this thing that we have, not even Natasha, and we'd like to keep it like that as long as we can. Besides, last night we realized how much more fun it was sneaking around.

I giggled at how deep his slumber was and kissed him on the cheek before trying to worm my way out of his grasp. It was impossible. That damn super-soldier.

With his eyes remaining closed he pulled me back in further. "Dammit, Rogers." I cursed.

"Don't go yet," he whined, his morning voice raspy, making me feel some type of way.

"Are you kidding me? If someone wakes up and tries to check on me to see that my room is empty what am I supposed to tell them?" I asked seriously. As much as I would like to stay spooned in Steve's arms, I can't.

"Fine," he said finally opening his eyes and releasing his grasp from me. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead as I got out of his bed. "But I want you back here tonight, Sarge. Captain's orders."

I playfully rolled my eyes as I stretched my arm making my way to the door. "Really? You wanna go all Captain on me, now?"

"Do you want me to remind you what you were calling me last night, Sergeant?" He quizzed.

I sighed joyously, flipping him off as exited his room and made my way straight toward the elevator.

I headed straight for the kitchen, to find Tony and Natasha conversing by the kitchen island. Tony had a cup of coffee in his hand while Natasha was dressed in workout gear.

"So no one's cooking breakfast?" I asked, kind of disappointed but then not surprised when I clocked who was down here.

"I was only trained to be an assassin, not a housewife," Natasha admitted which made sense.

"I tried to make an omelet once, and I assure you I will never touch an egg again," Tony reminded me of the time he spent 3 hours making Pepper an omelet. It turned out to be shit on a plate, and then once we got home he was fucking me.

"Oh, yeah. Don't remind me," I said, once my mind has taken me to other places.

"Pepper will cook once she's ready to come down," Tony informed me.

I took a seat on one of the stools next to Natasha. Tony sat on the opposite side. "Do you know where everyone else is?" I asked, stealing Tony's coffee and taking a sip. I winced at the taste. It was way too sweet.

"Clint's on the roof making a phone call, Thor went to use the restroom," Natasha explained.

Tony snatched his coffee back from my hands, "We haven't seen Brucey or the old man yet."

"I'm guessing they both love their sleep," I said sheepishly. I hoped that didn't make me seem guilty of something.

In the meantime, Clint returned with his bow and quiver strapped to his back.

"Morning, Barton," I greeted him as came and took a seat on the stool next to Tony. "Where have you been?"

"I was on the phone to someone, and then I had a bit of arrow practice," he responded.

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