78. The Idiot Who Ate Our Pizza

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Avengers Tower, New York

Things at the tower hadn't been what I had expected. On paper, you'd think that we'd all get along great and have fun movie nights and parties when we weren't doing missions, but that wasn't the case.

The seven of you rarely spent any time with each other as you always hung out in smaller cliqués.

Tony, Pepper, and Bruce were a trio that would meet in Research and Development every day.

Clint would either be with Natasha or somewhere he would never reveal. You and Steve both trained with the pair every other morning, but it was never the bonding experience you hoped it would've been.

Thor spent most of his time with Jane and would only occasionally come back to the Tower to be with the rest of you.

Lastly, you and Steve spent the majority of your time in Washington with Sam trying to locate the Winter Soldier. It became a chore and gradually got more and more frustrating since you kept running into dead ends.

The only thing you enjoyed about Tower life, was sneaking into Steve's room most nights to cuddle yourself to sleep. But even that got boring as the both of you realized that the team didn't even pay attention to each other much. You could almost kiss in public and no one would notice.

Every morning it was the same routine. Everyone wakes up, grabs breakfast, and disperses from the kitchen before there were too many people in there. It wasn't the team dynamic Nick Fury hoped for, but you guys couldn't help the fact that you almost didn't feel you needed the group's company.

I soon realized that we only gelled well as a team when we were fighting.

Waking up in the morning I endured a solo training session on my own floor before coming down into the kitchen to grab myself a coffee. Whilst the coffee was brewing, Natasha joined me taking a seat at the dining table.

I gave her a small smile as she waved at me, "I see you've been working up a sweat. What did you do this morning?" She asked leaning her arms on the table in front of her.

Grabbing the jug I poured the hot concoction into a mug and then grabbed another to pour Natasha a drink too.

"Just beating the shit out of a punching bag," I answered her as I bought the mugs of coffee over to the table and sat her cup down in front of her.

"Thanks." She said, "Punching bag, huh? Are you stressed out about anything?"

"No—" I started before Tony entered the kitchen whistling a Queen song as he opened the fridge.

Natasha pulled a face at me. It was becoming clear that I shut up because Tony was in the room. The status of our relationship is 'not-on-speaking-terms'.

"This is awkward," she whispered so quietly that Tony would never be able to hear it.

Natasha was the only one that knew the ins and outs of Tony and mine's relationship. She's been encouraging me to talk to him, but as long as Pepper was in the building I never dared. I was sick of her constant meddling and bossing Tony around and I couldn't be bothered to argue with her.

Tony pulled a box of pizza from the fridge, opening to see the flavor and then closing it again and making his way back up to his room. Before he had the chance to leave I called out to him:

"Hey, that pizza's mine!"

Tony swiveled his head around and furrowed his brow. "You ate all this yourself?"

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