22. I'm Not Led, I Lead

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Happy sped through the streets making his way down to Hammer Industries as Natalie had requested. We knew that's where Ivan Vanko was as we had just beaten it out of Hammer earlier.

"When we arrive I need you to back up the perimeter," she said to Happy as she untied her hair and began taking her clothes off, "I'm gonna enter the facility and take down the target." Natalie was only in her bra and I caught Happy trying to peak through the rear-view mirror as he responded, "I got it. I got it."

I felt the car swerve right due to Happy's lack of concentration. "Watch the road," I warned him, rolling my eyes.

I took my service dress jacket off and held it out in front of Natalie to cover her whilst she got changed. Happy's eyes darted to me quickly thinking that I was going to strip too before he realized what I was doing, "Nice try, Pervert, I'm just looking out for a friend."

Now embarrassed, Happy kept his head straight, focusing immensely on the road ahead of us. I noticed him open his mouth wanting to say something but he changed his mind. Natalie was done changing, so I turned around to sit straight in my seat.

"Say it," I ordered, curious as to why he thought it was better left unsaid. Happy shifted in his seat uncomfortably before revealing, "Your underwear is in the glove box if you want them back."

My face heats up with embarrassment. At this point, it was safe to assume everyone knew, but I was still perplexed as to how and why they ended up in Happy's glovebox. Nonetheless, I open the glove compartment, and there sat the infamous black, lacey thong.

The car went silent waiting for my reaction which I refused to be let known outwardly. I closed to glove box slowly not moving any other muscle in my body.

"You can keep it," I offered with all my kindness and concern. Happy just took a huge breath out like he'd been holding it in the entire car ride.

I whipped my phone out to distract myself and saw there were 47 texts and 12 missed calls from Lewis. I switched my phone to silent during the Expo and hadn't turned it back. I assumed the incident must have made its way onto the news and Lewis was worried about me. I decided to call him and reassure him I was okay:

"Y/N, what the fuck is happening? Are you okay?" he screeched on the other end of the phone.

I took a deep breath before responding knowing it was going to be hard to explain everything without him freaking out and worrying about me, "I'm fine. I'm not at the Expo anymore," I informed him, which only lead to more unnecessary questions.

"If you're not at the Expo where are you then?" he asked, concern apparent in his voice. "I'm on the way to Hammer Industries."

"Why are you at Hammer Industries?"

I sighed knowing full well I never should have opened that can of worms, "Vanko's in there, he's the one behind the mess at the Expo."

"Vanko? Who's Vanko?"

"Ivan Vanko. The guy from Monaco with the arc reactor. It's him, he's alive, he's trying to kill Tony Stark and I'm going to stop him!" I rambled.

"You're going to do what?!" he yelled, anger and fret apparent as his voice rose a few octaves.

"You heard me," I said flippantly.

"No! But you—"

"Bye, Lewis! Love you," I said pathetically as I hung up the phone not giving him any time to respond. In the corner of my eye, I caught Happy making a face.

"But didn't you and Tony just..." he trailed off not wanting to say more.
I rolled my eyes, "Happy, just shut up and drive!"

Happy finally pulled up right outside the door to Hammer Industries, we all got out, Natalie now dressed in a black bodysuit and a gun hoisted on her thigh. "Stay in the car," she told Happy but he refused.
"I'm not staying in the car."

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