24. Glory-Hound Cowboys

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Malibu, California

It has been over a year since the Hammer Expo, and Lewis and I had finally found a place and moved most of our stuff over to Washington D.C. We found a cozy two-bedroomed apartment and had been spending most of our time settling in. Our relationship was quite stable. Of course, we had fought here and there but all relationships do, so as of now, there are no red flags in sight.

In terms of work, Lewis wasn't looking for any jobs yet. He claims he's not ready to jump back into work right now as he's still coming to terms with the fact that was disqualified from the military after a knee injury. I was still stationed at the Edwards Air Base in Mojave, California, so I was spending every other week back at my old apartment in Lancaster.

I had just finished my shifts for the week and thought I'd pass by Tony's mansion before I took the flight back home to D.C. I hadn't seen Tony much at all since I moved as every week I was off I spent packing or moving or rearranging everything for the apartment.

Moving is honestly so tiring but the apartment I rented was only temporary. When we settled down in Washington properly, we will find and eventually move into our forever home. As of now, I was just getting used to the place.

I snuck into Tony's lab hoping to surprise him with my arrival.

"Of course I remember," I heard Tony say, "I'm having my suit altered right now. See you then."

"Hey, Tin Man!" I yell stepping into his laboratory to see him drilling at one of his suits.

"Your suit?" I hear come after, I turn to notice Rhodey standing next to him. That's when I figured out that Tony was altering the War Machine suit.

"Sheesh, Y/N, what are you doing here?" Tony said not veering away from his work, his back still turned away from me. "I just came to surprise you," I informed him which made him chuckle.

"Your suit?!" Rhodes repeated, not wanting Tony to get away with the sly comment he just made. Tony responded, "Yeah, well... Even though you wore it, it's still always been my suit!"

Rhodes looked to me wanting me to side with him but I shrugged my shoulders, signifying that Tony had a point. Tony continued to justify his choice of words, "It's technically always been mine because you...what's the word?" he thought, dropping his tool and scratching his chin at Rhodes, "Oh yeah, you stole it!"

Rhodes scoffed while Tony tossed a piece of the War Machine suit to the other side of the room once he had removed it, "Finally," he exclaimed, "Seeing all that Hammer tech on my suit was like watching a four-year-old finger paint on the Mona Lisa."

Rhodes crossed his arms over his chest, "Uh-huh, from where I'm standing, you just took out all the offensive weapons." He pointed out.

I too realized it wasn't going to serve well practically, "Yeah, that isn't gonna serve well on the field." I reminded him.

Tony removed the protective goggles from his face, "That's not a problem. You won't be using the Mark II anymore," he revealed which brutally offended Rhodes, "Come on are we really gonna do this again?" he quizzed Tony who just turned his back ready to leave the lab.

"What, beat me up and take my stuff again?" Tony challenged, "It was never properly calibrated for you, Rhodey. You're lucky it didn't give you a heart attack."

I rolled my eyes seeing that the two boys were arguing again. Everything was cool for the past couple of months and now they want to start beef? I placed my hands on my hips trying to cool the situation before it got heated. The last time the two argued a hole was blown through Tony's kitchen.

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