37. Anything For A Friend

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Together, Sam and I traveled to the mall to go and look for dresses. I went into various stores and going into every fitting room to see how they looked.

Sam waited in the viewing area of every store, judging each look and helping me pick the best outfit. After browsing through nearly 12 different outfits we finally found a nice one.

"Now this...this is hot," Sam approved.

I walked over to the mirror to see myself in this red, bodycon mini-dress. It had short sleeves and it was made of latex that gripped my figure in all the right parts.

 It had short sleeves and it was made of latex that gripped my figure in all the right parts

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"Wow..." I said stunned. I looked really good. I couldn't remember the last time I actually dressed up nicely, "I love it!" I squealed.

Sam bought the dress, although I insisted that he tell me the price he wouldn't say because he knew I would try and persuade him not to buy it.

I also bought a pair of heels before Sam drove home to get changed himself. From there we made our way over to the nearest club.

I left Sam on the dance floor and walked straight over to the bar to order a round of shots.

While at the bar, a man approached me; tall, green eyes with tanned skin and a stubble, dressed nicely with an expensive-looking watch on his wrist.
His green eyes darted from the top of my being all the way done to my feet, smirk painted on his face.

"Hey, do I know you?" He asked, checking the time, but really flashing his watch trying to be subtle about showing off.

I could tell the guy was loaded. Maybe not Tony Stark rich, but he was well off for sure. He smelt expensive too, his cologne stung straight through my nostrils, the intensity too much for me to bear.

"No, I don't think you do," I lied. I knew he obviously recognized from the news but I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to myself.

He pondered for a while, but ultimately got too impatient, "You wanna dance?" He offered, holding his hand out.

"I'm good thanks," I declined.

Although Lewis and I weren't in a good place I didn't feel like it would be right to cheat on him. I've done it once before, technically twice, with Tony and I didn't plan on being the villain again.

The rich guy looked offended by the rejection, "Why?" He snapped harshly.

I was taken aback by his reaction, "I don't even know you're name," I excused.

"It's Felix, but my friends call me Lex," he told me, "Now do you want to dance?" He insisted, moving closer and starting to glide his hand up my arm.

I slapped his hand off me quickly, "I have a boyfriend!" I informed him, hoping he would back off.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked, "Where is he?" He asked.

My heart stopped, not only was thrown on the spot with his question, but I was also a really bad liar. At least with my friends, they could tell when I wasn't telling the truth. I hoped it wasn't that obvious to strangers.

𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐄 » avengers x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora