74. Mi Casa Es Su Casa

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Manhattan, New York

The Quinjet had taken us back to New York and parked right on top of the Avengers Tower. Natasha was able to get Hulk to turn back into Bruce before we upped and left. We had spare clothes in the jet to change into before making our way down to the meeting room.

Maria Hill was already there waiting for us. Since she was working for Stark Industries now, she spent a lot of her newly found time doing work for Tony and Pepper.

Potts herself wasn't with us in the room as she was probably doing work for the company. Or maybe staying away from me—as she should.

We gathered around the table and took seats. This is where we discussed the setup moving forward:

"A lot has happened since we last met as a group," Steve started. With him being a Captain it was almost natural he became the leader. I didn't mind taking orders from him, he always seemed to know what he was talking about.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., an organization we all thought we could trust, turned out to have been infiltrated by HYDRA as early as the 1950s," he started.

"They were working on a program called Project Insight. It had targets—people who were threats or could become future threats—and some of us were included in that list," I added.

"Who?" Tony asked, wanting to know.

"You," I pointed, "Me, Bruce, Hill, and Steve. Along with millions of other people we don't even know."

Bruce readjusted himself awkwardly in his seat. Tony shrugged as if he knew he was a threat or more so, he was proud of the fact.

"How was HYDRA able to figure out who its future threats were going to be?" Clint questioned.

"They used an algorithm," Steve answered. "Developed by a Swiss scientist that goes went by Arnim Zola."

I took a deep breath before adding, "Sitwell explained how he was helped by a pair of scientists, who I believe are my parents," I disclosed. "My mother was a psychiatrist and Pierce told me he worked with them. He even said they were geniuses and my mother could almost see the future. It only makes sense that he was referring to Project Insight and Zola's algorithm."

"We managed to stop the Helicarriers from launching and Natasha leaked all of S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA's data." Maria spoke up, "But that doesn't mean there still aren't any more HYDRA-infested organizations out there."

Nat sat back in her seat as she continued, "When I was...out and about, I caught wind of a rumor that HYDRA was still operating under the shadows. I hijacked a HYDRA plane and found Dr. Jenson with the Chitauri weapons."

"And then Dr. Jenson mentioned my parents," I mumbled.

"We also found out about HYDRA's secret weapon. The Winter Soldier," Natasha mentioned, "Turned out to be Steve's friend from the forties. HYDRA brainwashed him and got him to carry out dozens of assassinations in the past sixty years."

"Well, where is he now? Did you kill him?" Thor asked, his arms folded as he leaned back in his chair.

"He got away. We don't know where he is," Steve said timidly, sounding embarrassed. It was mainly my fault that he got away, but I know that deep down he's blaming himself.

"So you have a brainwashed murderer running loose?" Bruce disgraced.

"He's not brainwashed anymore." I brought up. "He was sent to kill Steve yet he saved him from dying. He might not remember anything but he's not killing anyone else."

"You guys don't have to worry about Bucky. Y/N and I are working on that," Steve declared. "Our main priority is finding every last trace of HYDRA and burning it to ash."

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