44. A Biological DNA Coder

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Within minutes the fire brigade, the police, and the ambulance-along with a few reporters-had arrived at the property to investigate. The paramedics did a quick health check on us while the police asked me and Maya a few questions.

Pepper, of course, refused to speak to anyone as she was too caught up in the possibility that Tony was dead. I knew the feeling, I'd had it before on numerous occasions, but I learned to keep hope. Tony wasn't the type of person to give up easily, he would always put up a good fight. I had faith that somehow he'd manage to escape.

Because of the reporters, the news was quick to find out about what happened, meaning that Lewis caught wind of the situation. My phone began blowing up with texts and missed calls because he assumed that I would be spending most of my time here at Malibu Point.
It wasn't until the sixteenth incoming call that I decided to pick up:

"Y/N, what the fuck happened?" He yelled over the phone. I knew he was panicking, but his tone instantly rubbed me the wrong way.

"Calm down. I'm fine," I said nonchalantly.

"You seriously can't be fine! I watched the news. The mansion was practically blown to pieces," he stated, "And what sucks is the fact that this isn't the first time that house has blown up with you inside it."

I rolled my eyes to the back of my head. Here we go again, I thought. I knew straight away we were going back to that argument about why I shouldn't hang around with Tony.

"Lewis I know what you're going to say. You can't stop me from being around Stark. We're colleagues now. We work together and we're always going to have to be around each other," I informed him.

He paused for a while, "Why are talking about him in the future tense?" He asked expressing genuine confusion.

"Why can't I?" I snapped, "You think you're going to stop me from seeing my friend?"

"Y/N. He's dead," he said flatly, "As far as the police are concerned there's no way he could've survived the attack and there's no evidence that he did."

I chuckled quietly, but it was loud enough for Lewis to hear at the other end of the line. "Why is this funny?"

"Why are they pronouncing him dead when there's no body?" I ridiculed.

"Why are you so certain he's alive?" Lewis countered.

His comment angered me. What angered me, even more, was the fact that he almost seemed delighted that Tony could possibly be dead and he would have one less of my male friends to deal with.

"I will find Tony. Even if it means I have to drag his cold, limp body from that ocean below me," I sneered through my teeth, "No news reporter or stupid police sheriff is going to tell me that he's dead if they don't have proof. Do you understand?"

There was dead silence at the end of the line. Nonetheless, I continued, "Don't call me or check up on me again. Okay? I'm looking for Tony and I don't want to be disturbed," I declared before hanging up the phone at turning it off completely.

I stood in silence watching the panic around me. The officers were talking to the news reporters, people were running in and out of what was left of Tony's house and vehicles were parked everywhere, filling up the driveway completely.

It wasn't long before my lull of silence was interrupted by Pepper's loud voice and vigorous tapping. I turned, noticing that she had Tony's Iron Man helmet in her hands:
"Tony's alive," she claimed. Which bought an instant smile to my face.

"Wait, how do you know?" I asked, wondering what she found that the sheriff's department missed.

She quickly placed the helmet in my hands expecting me to do something with it. I shook my head in confusion, "What's this suppose to mean," I asked.

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