34. Leave Of Absence

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There had been numerous reports on the news about the Battle of New York and the group being called, "The Avengers". Various citizens in New York were selling and create Avenger's merchandise.

People in the streets were talking to the news outlets praising you and everything you did to protect them against the Chitauri and Loki's attacks.

You and the group were known as Earth's Mightiest Heroes, with people even getting their beards cut to the shape of Tony's or little kids mimicking you and wearing t-shirts with your names on them.

There was even a video where a woman and her husband were making a statement to a news anchor and soon broke out into and fight, arguing on who was the better hero: you or Thor.

"Thor is the best Avenger for sure, like did you see the way he makes lightning with his hammer? He took out all the aliens with one strike!" The woman said into the microphone of the reporter.

He husband pulled a face at her statement and nudged her out of the way so he could grab ahold of the microphone.

"No, no, no, Air Blade is definitely the best," he argued, but his wife wasn't convinced.

"Well, what makes her so great?" She asked him, arms now folded.

"What? She doesn't need to be a god to take out aliens. Thor probably does that on a daily, she is a United States Airwoman she's been saving our country for years. She just proved she can fight aliens too with nothing but a sword!" He informed her.

"Well, Thor is a literal God! And he really hot," she countered, "Have you seen his biceps and his amazing hair."

"Same goes for Y/N. In fact, given the opportunity, I would happily leave you for her!" He spat, his voice now heavy with anger. He was jealous that his wife considered Thor attractive, especially because he didn't resemble him in the slightest.

The reporter was feeling extremely uncomfortable that one simple question had turned into a huge dispute. He edged away from the bickering couple and faced the news camera, "I think we'll take a quick ad break and I'll get back to you shortly."

Others got tattoos of Captain America's shield on their bodies and many murals were painted on the sides of buildings and sidewalks.

Some were annoyed with the damage caused to the city wanting you to pay for the damage done as it was "your fight" and "your responsibility" to fix it.

Either way, you'd received a large amount of unexpected fame. Fame you'd never asked for, and to some fame, you didn't deserve. But it was something you had to live with, for what would soon be the rest of your lives.

The world needed saving and you were the ones who would get the call.

Nick Fury was in the S.H.I.E.L.D analytical room, the day after the Battle of New York, talking to the World Security Council. One of the councilmen asked, "Where are the Avengers?"

"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts," Fury replied, his arms folded across his chest, "I'd say they've earned a leave of absence."

"And the Tesseract?"

"The Tesseract is where it belongs: out of our reach."

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