50. Stop, Drop, And Roll

Start from the beginning

On the screen, a small intro began to play; the American flag was displayed with the words "Rappin' with Cap" on the front of it.

Soon the scene changed to Rogers, who was dressed in his gear, in front of a poorly edited background. A picture of fireworks stood behind him as he folded his arms and began reciting a scripted message.

"Hi, I'm Captain America. I love celebrating this great nation on the 4th of July, but trust me, there's nothing patriotic about illegal fireworks," he preached as the backdrop changed to the image of a fire that was presumably caused by the use of illegal fireworks.

"So just remember," he continued, "If you're on fire, stop, drop, and roll. One more time—say it with me, now—stop...drop...and roll."

Before the clip could even be finished I was curled over, laughed so hard I was almost pissing myself. Rumlow and Nat did the same, even though they had probably watched these videos over a hundred times.

"Please, who let this happen?" I wheezed as I tried to withhold my laughter.

"It's something they have to show in schools. Y'know disciplinary PSA," Rumlow told me, wiping a tear from his eye.

"So your tryna tell me that kids have to watch this video every 4th July?" I asked in amusement.

"Yep. But that's not the only one. The puberty one is my personal favorite," Natasha revealed before the three of us began to giggle again. At the same time a voice came from behind breaking up the fun.

"What are you three so amused about?" I heard a deep voice say. I twirled around and saw Captain America himself standing in the doorway.

The sight of him instantly reminded me of the PSA and I dropped the ground laughing again. He really didn't look too impressed, his face straighter than ever, "I don't get what's funny. We've got training in five, so whatever it is you need to forget about it."

"I'm sorry but that's not gonna be possible, Cap," Rumlow admitted as he snickered slightly.

Rogers stood there with his hands on his hips, his eyes darting between the three of us before Natasha finally told him what happened, "We showed her the video."

"What video?" He asked, sounding genuinely oblivious.

I had just managed to catch my breath and steady my laughter when Rumlow said the name and set me off again, "Rappin' with Cap!" He spat as he chuckled again.

"God, Romanoff, seriously?" He hissed, his cheeks turning pink in humiliation, "Where did you even get those?"

"Uh, YouTube. Everything floats around the internet, Rogers. You gotta be careful if you don't want things getting out," she teased.

Steve's nostrils flared, "Fury wants to meet with you in his office," he pointed her out and she left immediately, leaving me with the two men.

"Sorry, Cap we were just having a little bit of fun..." I tried to excuse our behavior, but Steve wasn't having it.

"There's a time a place for fun," he hissed before saying, "We've been asked by Fury to train in the training room."

I sighed loudly, "Did you forget to say that I lost my air-blade in Miami? Yeah the stupid Mandarin took it from me and I never got it back."

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