49. Merry Fucking Christmas!

Start from the beginning

"I'll do it," Bruce peeped so quietly, but it was already quiet enough that I heard it perfectly.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed so loudly the President turned to face me, startled by my sudden outburst. I lowered the phone away from my ear and whispered, "Sorry," before raising it back up again to hear Bruce's reply.

"Yes... Yeah. I'll do it. For Tony." He emphasized.

Now that I had gotten Tony out of the way, I needed to deal with Lewis. Rhodes told me I need to put myself first and that wasn't being selfish. I had dedicated too much of the last 3 years to Lewis's cause already. My efforts had been recognized and it was time to focus other things.

My life had taken a completely different route; a route I never planned on. But I always believed that everything happens for a reason, and I was put on the path that I needed to follow. For a while, I was putting my energy into the wrong things; one of those things being a relationship I didn't need.

I had already planned what I was going to do and say, I felt a plan was necessary when talking to Lewis because he loved to divert.

Once we had landed in D.C., the secret service escorted me home. I took deep breathes and braced myself, as I had finally reached the outside of mine and Lewis's apartment. It was soon going to be solely my apartment, since Lewis has never paid a single penny towards the rent.

Stepping out of the secret service vehicle, I thanked the driver before my feet hit the sidewalk. The air was crisp, the December cold instantly biting at any part of my skin that was exposed. It didn't help that it was 6 am and pitch black outside.

I shivered and then sighed, barely seeing the warm air escape my nose and mouth. I unlocked the door and began climbing the staircase up to my house. I took the time to steady my heart rate as I reached the door. Just let it out. Get everything off your chest, I told myself.

I opened the door before I changed my mind and hung the keys up next the entrance with the rest of them. Lewis must've been fast asleep when I had arrived because everything was completely silent, except for the quiet buzz that came from the fairy lights that were wrapped around the Christmas tree.

I honestly didn't know where to start. Firstly, I was exhausted and I just wanted to get some shut-eye, however, I knew if I went to bed I would push back the break-up and I wanted it over and done with now. I resorted to waking Lewis up now. After all it was Christmas morning and he should've been up earlier anyway.

Slipped my shoes off at the door and crept over to Lewis's room. I opened the door softly, ensuring that the bolts didn't creek, and tiptoed up to the bed he was sleeping on.

I just stood there for a moment watching him. His curls covering his eyes as he lay there, mouth slightly open and he snored quietly. I had completely forgotten Lewis was an extremely light sleeper, as his eyes bolted open and he lay there stunned. It must've taken him a few seconds to catch his bearings and realize it was me standing here.

"Y/N? You're back!" He croaked, slowly sitting up on this elbows so he could see me better, "What time is it? I thought you supposed to be coming back tomorrow."

"It's six o'clock in the morning... Christmas morning," I informed him as I took a seat on the edge of the bed and faced him, "I know I was meant to back yesterday, but stuff came up..."

"Well, your okay now, right?" He asked, leaning in slowly to put his arm around me, or maybe even kiss me.

I pulled back rapidly, not wanting to be deterred away from what I initially wanted to do, "Lewis, why are we still together?" I asked, jumping straight into the matter.

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